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HISTORY “Exaltation of spirit, freedom from fatigue, and a sense of well- being”

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3 HISTORY “Exaltation of spirit, freedom from fatigue, and a sense of well- being”




7 Distribution

8 To smuggle or not to smuggle that is the question

9 Medical Use



12 WHAT’S IT LIKE High- confidence, well-being, energy, reduces desire for food and sleep. High- confidence, well-being, energy, reduces desire for food and sleep. Low- exhaustion, nervousness, weight loss, damage to nasal passage. Low- exhaustion, nervousness, weight loss, damage to nasal passage. “ A major league orgasm”, “rush”, “best bodily feeling you can get on earth.” “ A major league orgasm”, “rush”, “best bodily feeling you can get on earth.”

13 EFFECT ON NEURONS The brain uses glucose, the energy source for neurons. In these scans, the red color shows high use of glucose, yellow shows medium use and blue shows the least use of glucose. Notice that many areas of the brain of the cocaine user do not use glucose as effectively as the brain of the normal person. The brain uses glucose, the energy source for neurons. In these scans, the red color shows high use of glucose, yellow shows medium use and blue shows the least use of glucose. Notice that many areas of the brain of the cocaine user do not use glucose as effectively as the brain of the normal person.

14 SIDE EFFECTS It can cause tremors and convulsions, heart attack, stroke, psychosis, and death Seizures and convulsions with high dose Congestive heart failure and hemorrhaging

15 HOW BIG IS THE PROBLEM? According to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, approximately 6.2 million (2.8 percent) Americans age 12 or older had tried crack at least once in their lifetime, 1.0 million (0.5 percent) used crack in the past year, and 406,000 (0.2 percent) reported use in the past month. According to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, approximately 6.2 million (2.8 percent) Americans age 12 or older had tried crack at least once in their lifetime, 1.0 million (0.5 percent) used crack in the past year, and 406,000 (0.2 percent) reported use in the past month.




19 STREET NAMES Blow Blow Coke Coke C Cola Cola Angel Angel Flake Flake Gold Dust Gold Dust Happy Dust Happy Dust Leaf Leaf

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