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Leadership: Not for the Faint of Heart Kim Allan Williams, Sr., MD, FACC ACC President-Elect.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership: Not for the Faint of Heart Kim Allan Williams, Sr., MD, FACC ACC President-Elect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership: Not for the Faint of Heart Kim Allan Williams, Sr., MD, FACC ACC President-Elect

2 A Leader is… Someone whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

3 The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Leader (Patrick Lencioni) 1.Building and Maintaining a Cohesive Leadership Team 2.Create Organizational Clarity 3.Over-Communicate Organizational Clarity –Healthy organizations align their employees around organizational clarity by communicating key messages through repetition! 4.Reinforce Organizational Clarity Through Human Systems –Organizations sustain their health by ensuring consistency in: Hiring

4 Where Are We Today and Where Are We Headed? Current vs. Desired How Do We Get There? SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

5 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Source: Patrick Lencioni

6 The Most Important Piece…
















22 Encourage the Heart Absence of Trust- Fear of being vulnerable Fear of Conflict- Preserve Harmony Lack of Commitment- Lack of clarity/fear Avoidance of Accountability- Avoid personal discomfort Inattention to Results- Individual credit vs collective results

23 But, what’s missing?

24 Great Leaders Listen.

25 Great Leaders Evaluate Input.

26 Great Leaders Implement Change.

27 What else is key?

28 Great Leaders Need Mentors. Great Leaders Become Mentors.

29 The Importance of Emotional Intelligence The best leaders have 5 key traits in addition to intelligence and technical experience. – Self-awareness – Self-regulation – Motivation – Empathy – Social skills Source: 1998; Harvard Business Review; Daniel Goleman

30 Leaders with High EQ (Emotional Quotient)… Recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and their effect on others. They are trustworthy, open to change, have a strong drive to achieve, are optimistic in the face of failure, and have an unwavering commitment to an organization, their profession, and/or an issue at hand. They also have expertise in building and retaining teams and leading in times of change.

31 “The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. In fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.” Source: Warren Bennis On Becoming a Leader

32 “Εί τίβ θέλέί πρωτόβ έίνάί έσάί πάντων έσχάτόβ κάί πάντων διάκόνόβ” Leadership

33 “He who wishes to lead must be the servant of all” Mark 9:35 Bandwidth and Approach Leadership


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