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Review: signs have parts (parameters) What are they? Handshape Movement Palm Orientation Location Classifiers.

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Presentation on theme: "Review: signs have parts (parameters) What are they? Handshape Movement Palm Orientation Location Classifiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review: signs have parts (parameters) What are they? Handshape Movement Palm Orientation Location Classifiers

2 Signs that don’t have meaning without a noun sign. Basic categories of classifiers: Perimeter Whole entity Depth and width Instrument

3 Classifiers Signs that have meaning only with a noun sign. Basic categories of classifiers: Perimeter shape and width Handshapes: 1 = outline G = border

4 Handshape and Movement for symmetrical outlines: Important: - Use “1” hand - Move hands symmetrically - Eye gaze follows a hand - Move top to bottom

5 Handshape and Movement for symmetrical outlines:

6 Handshape and Movement for symmetrical perimeters:

7 Handshape and Movement for asymetrical perimeters: Important: - Maintain a reference point. - Eye gaze follows a hand - Move top to bottom - Use the signer’s perspective

8 Handshape and Movement for asymetrical perimeters: - Use the signer’s perspective Signer sees this You see this You imagine this

9 Handshape and Movement for asymetrical perimeters:

10 Handshape and Movement for border: Same rules apply, but handshape changes

11 Now it’s your turn... Divide into two groups One group face the front; describe the perimeter or border shown One group face the back, have paper and pencil, draw the shape signed to you.

12 #1#2 #4 #5 #3

13 Switch places

14 #6#7 #9 #10 #8

15 How did you do? Compare your drawings with the photos. Did you get the signer’s perspective?

16 #1#2 #4#5 #3 #6 #7 #9 #10 #8

17 Back to your pairs

18 Describe one of these to your partner. Can your partner guess which one you described?

19 Switch places

20 Describe one of these to your partner. Can your partner guess which one you described?

21 Switch places

22 Describe one of these to your partner. Can your partner guess which one you described?

23 Switch places

24 Describe one of these to your partner. Can your partner guess which one you described?


26 Classifiers Signs that don’t have meaning without a noun sign. Basic categories of classifiers: Perimeter Whole entity Depth and width Instrument

27 Classifiers Signs that don’t have meaning without a noun sign. Basic categories of classifiers: Depth and width Instrument



30 Always keep a point of reference! You can alternate reference points as you need to, But always keep one! Reference points commonly alternate between right and left hands. Eye gaze follows the hands

31 Let’s Play! 1 person select and describe an image Group mates try to guess which one you selected by giving the corresponding number and letter. Remember Signer’s Perspective!

32 9 7 3 8 6 10 FXQPDFXQPD

33 Classifiers Signs that don’t have meaning without a noun sign. Basic categories of classifiers: Depth and width Instrument

34 Instrumental classifiers show how objects are manipulated. Usually they are preceded by Depth and Width classifiers. Eye gaze on the hands. Which one is being described?

35 In your groups: One person select an object. Describe it using Depth and Width classifiers and then an Instrument classifier Group mates guess which object was selected. How will you identify it?

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