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VwHr7A.  Belief in superhuman controlling power.  A system of beliefs, values, and acts of worship.  The service.

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Presentation on theme: "VwHr7A.  Belief in superhuman controlling power.  A system of beliefs, values, and acts of worship.  The service."— Presentation transcript:

1 VwHr7A

2  Belief in superhuman controlling power.  A system of beliefs, values, and acts of worship.  The service and adoration of a god as expressed in forms of worship.  It's an answer to all the unanswered questions.  Our need as humans to attempt to explain the Mystery that surrounds us.

3  For thousands of years humans have sought answers to questions (MYSTERIES) that concern us. Regardless of time and place these questions have not varied greatly because they are basic to human nature.

4  Why do I exist?  What is true and real?  How did the universe begin?  Why do things happen the way they do?  Why do we suffer?  Is there immortality?

5  What is right and what is wrong?  What happens after death?  How were we created?

6 Questions of Mystery cannot be answered by science. There is no scientific proof for the existence of heaven, hell, or god. When people believe in the answers to these questions, it is because of trust. We know that trust as faith. There is no scientific proof for the answers.

7 Even though people use the word "religion" there is considerable controversy about the precise meaning of the word. Our understanding is that religion is a communal expression of faith.

8 1. Creed (wisdom) 2. Cult (worship) 3. Code (works)

9 One way to learn about beliefs and practices of religion is to use a primary source. Examples of primary sources include: 1. scripture 2. prayer and ritual 3. architecture

10 Belief (noun)  the state or habit of having confidence in any person or thing: faith; trust  mental acceptance as true or real; acceptance of a statement or fact  the thing believed; a statement or condition accepted as true Faith (noun)  a believing without proof; trust  belief in God, religion, or spiritual things  what is believed  religion  a being faithful; loyalty  a promise to remain loyal

11 1. Crisis Oriented Faith  People turn to God out of need. This type of faith usually leads to a shallow, temporary, and selfish faith. Mature faith is based on a deliberate choice and involves a continuing relationship with God. 2. Need for Love  Religion can provide comfort in times of loneliness, but shouldn't become an escape from loving others.

12 3. Need for security, emotional stability, and meaning  Religion should make life more meaningful and shouldn't be set apart from the rest of your life. Belief should be a deliberate choice rather than on the satisfaction of an unfulfilled basic human need. 4. Background as belief  Children begin by believing in parents before God. Adolescence is a time when individuals learn to evaluate their own beliefs and enter a stage of adult faith development.

13 5. Guilt and Fear as Reasons for Belief  This comes from a fear of hurting one's parents by disagreeing with their beliefs. Guilt is sometimes used to convert people to religious belief. Belief should be based on love and forgiveness rather than manipulation.  Belief in God should involve three things:  Intellectual understanding of what the belief involves.  Weighing alternative beliefs and faiths.  Freely choosing the belief BELIEF WILL NOT ELIMINATE DOUBT, UNCERTAINTY OR QUESTIONING. BELIEVING INVOLVES A LIFE-LONG PROCESS.

14 1. Understanding religious beliefs can enhance our relationships. 2. We will gain a clearer understanding of our own faith through the study of others. 3. The more we know about other faiths, the less fear will be a factor in our dealings with people who practice those faiths. 4. Knowledge is everything!

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