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Oracle Cash Management Overview. Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Describe the key features of Oracle.

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Presentation on theme: "Oracle Cash Management Overview. Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Describe the key features of Oracle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oracle Cash Management Overview

2 Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: Describe the key features of Oracle Cash Management Describe the key concepts of the bank account model Describe the key concepts of reconciling bank statements Describe the key concepts of cash forecasting, cash positioning, and cash pools

3 Agenda Overview Bank account model Reconciling bank statements Cash Forecasting Cash Positioning Cash Pools

4 Overview Use Oracle Cash Management to: Manage and control your cash cycle Upload and reconcile bank statements Forecast your cash needs Transfer funds between bank accounts Manage Bank, Bank Branch, and Bank Account information

5 Cash Management Integration Bank Statements General Ledger Clearing Accounting AR AP Payroll Treasury CashflowsPayments Open Interface Cash Management Banks

6 Overview of Bank Account Model Bank Bank BranchBank Account Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Cash Management Treasury Payables Receivables Payroll

7 Setting Up for Reconciliation Set Up Oracle Cash Management and related products: Complete General Ledger setup steps Complete Payables setup steps Complete common Payables and Receivables setup steps Complete Receivables setup steps Complete Cash Management system parameters setup Define transaction codes for each bank account Define bank statement mapping rule for automatic bank statement loading

8 Reconciliation Receive bank statement Load and verify bank statement Perform reconciliation Review results Create journal entries and post to general ledger

9 Reconciliation: Bank Statement Information You can enter bank statement information manually or automatically. To import bank statements automatically, use the Bank Statement Open Interface. If you enter a bank statement manually, you enter the bank statement header information and the transaction lines.

10 Reconciliation: Integration Oracle Cash Management Oracle Payables Oracle Payroll Oracle Receivables Oracle Treasury Oracle General Ledger External Systems

11 Receivables Clear and reconcile receipts Reverse receipts Create Oracle Receivables receipts Create miscellaneous transactions for bank-initiated transactions Reconciliation: Oracle Receivables and Payables Payables Clear and reconcile payments Create Oracle Payables payments Create miscellaneous transactions that are recorded as negative miscellaneous transactions in Receivables

12 Oracle Payroll Reconcile payroll payments Reconciliation: Oracle Payroll, Treasury, and General Ledger Oracle General Ledger Reconcile manually entered journal entry lines to cash accounts Oracle Treasury Create open interface to outside systems Reconcile open interface transactions

13 Cash Forecasting Export forecast to a spreadsheet application Forecast for any currency Use an open interface to forecast Determine projected cash activity dates based on your specifications Define reusable forecast templates

14 Cash Forecasting (continued) Cash forecast Oracle Order Management Oracle Receivables Oracle General Ledger Cash Outflow SourcesCash Inflow Sources Oracle Sales Oracle General Ledger Oracle Payables Oracle Purchasing Oracle Payroll Oracle Projects Oracle Treasury Oracle Projects

15 Cash Positioning Create cash position worksheets Generate a cash position from worksheets View cash position results Export cash position results to spreadsheets

16 Cash Pools Define a cash pool Assign bank accounts setup in Treasury to the cash pool

17 Oracle Cash Management Reports and Programs Submit Oracle Cash Management reports from the Submit Request window. Oracle Cash Management provides reports for reviewing and analyzing your cash management activities.

18 Summary In this lesson, you should have learned how to: Describe the key features of Oracle Cash Management Describe the key concepts of the bank account model Describe the key concepts of reconciling bank statements Describe the key concepts of cash forecasting, cash positioning, and cash pools

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