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EU and Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

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1 EU and Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Turkey

2 Policy context Strengthening CSOs - core part of the Political Criteria for accession Enlargement Strategy 2014-2015 – key areas of action Public administration reform Economic governance and competitiveness Rule of law and fundamental rights "A culture of acceptance of the work of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and human rights defenders"

3 Policy context Multi-Country Strategy Paper (2014-2020) - Support to civil society  creating the conditions for enabling and stimulating participatory democracy  civil society dialogue  transparency, accountability and effectiveness  policy-making - Improved conditions for an independent and accountable media  enabling environment  internal governance  independance, ethics, professionalism

4 EU support to civil society and media freedom Communication COM(2012)492: "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014 – 2020 Guidelines for EU support to media freedom and media integrity in enlargement countries, 2014 - 2020

5 Purpose of the Guidelines Focus on enabling environment and capacity building Translate political objectives of the Enlargement strategy in a concrete “results’ framework” Ensure consistency between policy and assistance at both multi-country and national level as well as complementarity with other donors Improve monitoring of performance and results and link to progress reports

6 Enabling environment Changing CSOs-govt relations Inclusion Dialogue Financial environment Donation Financial incentive Public funding Financial rules Legal and policy environment Freedom of expres- sion Employ- ment/ volunte- ering Grass- root organisa- tions EU guidelines for support to civil society (1)

7 Capacity- building Financially sustainable Fund- raising strategy Diverse funding base Capable, transparent and accountable Communi- cation with the public Financial transpa- rency Internal evaluation Internal gover- nance structures Effective CSOs Networks and coalition- buidling Evidence- based policies Strategic planning EU guidelines for support to civil society (2)

8 Support to the Media Capacity building for professional media organizations Improve relations with govt Improve relations within media community Internal governance & public confidence Professio nalism and integrity Investiga- tive journalism Transpa- rency rules, labour standards Enabling legal & judiciary environment Public service media Judiciary acts Legisla- tion & policies EU guidelines for support to the media

9 EU guidelines for support to CS Annual monitoring Revised indicators, targets, benchmarks Monitoring of enabling environment (BCSDN) Survey for CSOs development DG NEAR engagement with governments to improve enabling environment for CSOs  More information at: V9LTBszApl1V5wa?dl=0

10 ALBiHKosovoFYROMMESERTR Strategy - adopted - implemented   Council for Cooperation  Consultation - legal - Practice  36%39%28%11% Funding sources Foreign funding 2.2 50% 2.4 26% 1.9 38% 2.3 42% 2.2 23% 2.7 29% 2.3 17% Fund-raising not related to strategic plans 56%83% 67%65% 48% State funding 

11 Civil Society Facility (1) Strong HQs – EUD coordination mechanism (CS task force, CS working group) D5 support to EUD in policy dialogue with Governments EU Guidelines for CS as main driving mechanism for results oriented assistance and policy dialogue Highest visibility as funds are pooled from multi-country and countries' envelopes in one EC decision

12 Civil Society Facility (2) Direct Management (D5, EUD) avoiding governments' interferring into CSOs operations (watchdog) Fast absorption of funds (N+1). All IPA I funds contracted. No need for financing agreements with countries 2014-2015 programmes approved 68 mln €, 2014 under implementation. 2016-2017 programmes under elaboration. Estimated allocation 80 mln €.

13 Civil Society Facility (3) Approx. 170.000 registered CSOs * and potential CSF beneficiaries in the Western Balkans and Turkey Long-term grants, operating grants, sub-grants through CfPs, Grants to IOs, Service Contracts and Twinnings CSOs and external evaluations (2012) expressed high level of satisfaction with CSF and its implementation modalities CSF evaluation in 2016 *No data available for BiH; no formal obligation for CSOs to register in Albania

14 Civil Society Facility (4) Fields of action : Civil society development, CSOs/networks capacity building Local democracy Anti-corruption, good governance Social inclusion (non-discrimination) Media & freedom of expression Environmental policies Energy policies Support to social dialogue and social partners Gender and women rights Youth policies, Child rights Reconciliation, intercultural dialogue Technical assistance to govt, CSD Sustainable socio-economic development (rural areas) Rule of law and protection of fundamental rights (rights of prisoners, access to justice, to information) Business environment, social entrepreneurship, CSR Minorities rights (Roma, LGBTI) Other

15 Sectors financed CSF 2011-2013

16 CSF Regional level (2011-2013) CSF National level (2011-2013) Priority sectors Total national (2011-2013) No. of projects 1. Local democracy5,5 mln. €13 2. Technical assistance to CSOs, capacity- building3,2 mln. €8 3. Anti-corruption, good governance3 mln. €20 4. Social inclusion (non- discrimination)2,3 mln. €19 5.Technical assistance to govt, CSD2,3 mln. €3 Total national32 mln. €148 Priority sectors Total regional (2011-2013) No. of projects 1. Technical assistance to CSOs, capacity- building12,6 mln. €7 2. Media & freedom of expression3,2 mln. €6 3. Energy policies3 mln. €4 4. Social inclusion (non- discrimination)2 mln. €5 5. Reconciliation, intercultural dialogue1,6 mln. €3 Total regional34 mln. €52

17 Civil Society Facility (2011-2013) Regional programmesNational programmes Technical assistance for CSOs on country and multi- country level Technical assistance for governments to open to CSOs, enabling environment Regional and international networks of CSOs, knowledge, research, advocacy, inclusion of EU CSOs National and local/community-based networks and actions, capacity building, grass-root organisations P2P, exchange of lessons, methodologies and cross- regional trainings Focus on national priorities, accession negotiations, local networking Regional actions for media (IOs) National media freedoms grants

18 Civil Society Facility (2014-2015) Regional programmesNational programmes TACSO, P2PResource Centres Yearly monitoring of EU guidelines for CS and link with Progress reports Yearly monitoring of EU guidelines, revision of national targets, benchmarks, indicators Call for support to regional thematic networks of CSOs (long-term grants), operating grants National calls for local, community-based networks and actions, capacity building, grass-root organisations Media freedom and integrity (IO), CfP for media CSOs National CfP for media & freedom of expression Strengthening reconciliationPublic procurement and enabling financial environment Support to children rightsNational grants for good governance, govt-CSO dialogue

19 Civil Society Facility (2016-2017) Regional programmesNational programmes TACSO regional + P2PResource Centres for national CSOs Regional calls for support to thematic networks of CSOs National calls for local/ community-based networks and CSOs (incl. sub-grants) Local democracy regional intervention Technical assistance to governments for CSOs relation Gender regional programmeGender national programme (complements regional action) Operating grants regional CSOOperating grants national CSO Public Services mediaCalls for media CSOs and investigative journalism

20 CSF 2011 - 2013 CSFAmount contracted (mln. €) % No. of contracts % Regional 33.9651.5%5226% National 31.9848.5%14874% Total 65.94100%200100%

21 CSF 2011-2013 – CSOs financed CSOsAmount contracted (mln. €) Regional43233.96 National36231.98 Total79465.94

22 CSOs financed via CSF and Media 2011-2013

23 PlaceCSOs financed via CSF 2011-2013 CSOs registered with TACSO CSOs totals (BCSDN data on enabling environment for civil society) Albania549508 449 Bosnia and Herzegovina 124983No data available Kosovo*701078 000 fYRoM6586813 656 Montenegro793933 300 Serbia19499623 948 Turkey401 429108 738 EU-based168 - - TACSO Regional office -513 - Total794 626 WB+T 6 239166 091 % 10% (CSF/TACSO) 0.37% (CSF/total) 3.75% (TACSO/Total)

24 DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Unit D5 Western Balkans Regional Cooperation and Programmes Nicola Bertolini – Head of Sector, Civil Society and Social Inclusion

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