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Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB France and Napoleon III 1851 – 1860 – Great decade for Napoleon! Conservative reign...censorship...great influence.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB France and Napoleon III 1851 – 1860 – Great decade for Napoleon! Conservative reign...censorship...great influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB France and Napoleon III 1851 – 1860 – Great decade for Napoleon! Conservative reign...censorship...great influence by RCC...secures the rights of property holders Post 1860 – he becomes...more liberal. Permits debate in legislature...more free trade

2 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Most of this change was trying to mask his foreign policy missteps. Failure ort maintain territory as Italy was unifying. Sideline view as Austria lost to Prussia. Disastrous loss to the Prussians. So, we might think that France would be seeking a change from this Emperor. Correct!!!

3 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB BY the battle of Sedan, and napoleon’s defeat and capture, the Second French Empire is over. We move to the Third Republic... Now we get to a critical moment in history: The Paris Commune. Parisians felt betrayed by those signing for peace at Versailles, while they remained under Prussian control and attack.

4 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Paris Commune continued... Hence, Paris was looking to separate themselves form the rest of France, and rule themselves, by themselves. Literally, French Troops were firing upon the radicals in Paris. This as not, as Marx would claim it to be, the first true Proletarian Revolt.

5 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB It was not a workers revolt, but on of the “petty bourgeoisie” – then middle class urban workers. And, the fact that it was suppressed represented a victory for the nation State. What was the Third Estate, and how did it work??

6 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB As calls for a new monarchy were split between two Royal Houses (Bourbon andf Orleans) France kind of defauled to a republican form of government. By 1873, Prussian troops left. Adolphe Thiers – the radical in charge of the Commune was ousted, and France formed its Third Republic.

7 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Rather than default back to aMOnarchy, France now had a Chamber of Deputies electe by Universal male suffrage. A senate chosen by indirect voting. And a President elected by both of theses houses. This proved to be a rather flexible government, and would survive many scandals, especially the Dreyfus Affair.

8 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Dreyfus Affair: Alfred Drays is found guilty by a French Court of passing info to Germany. Dreyfus was Jewish, and became a convenient scapegoat for the French Military. We see an exposure of the depth of Anti-Semitism in France, from the Catholic church to the Conservatives to the Military to the Press.

9 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Emile Zola, the great French Novelist, will write “J’accuse.” It exposes not only the rampant anti-Semitism in France at this time but the inherent corruption within the Military. This begins a long-term conflict between the conservatives and the far left radicals that will take us all the way to WWII, and beyond.

10 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Hapsburg Empire – we are reaching the end for them! Standing Army Kneeling Priests Crawling Informers. Primarily, still, agrarian... Dynastic Absolutist

11 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB As they try and remain a Vienna centers dynasty, attempts to keep their vast holdings in line will prove to be their undoing. Impact of nationalism, and the post 1848 climate will mean that you simply can’t govern this way anymore. Roman Catholic church controlling education is typical of their outdated thinking.

12 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Since they didn't support Russia in Crimea (see how important that little war was...Russia no longer supports Austrian control over the Magyars. Austria is defeated by France and Piedmont (Italian Unification) October Diploma – 1860 – A Federation? Please!!!

13 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB February Patent – 1861 – Last gasp... Still the Magyars are denied a real voice in the government. As we mix in the defeat of Austria by Prussia, we reach a point where the Austrians will have to deal with the Magyars. 1867 – Habsburg Empire disappears, and we now have the Dual Monarchy – Austria Hungary.

14 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB This was dual Monarchy in name only. Both were essentially separate states. Key issue that remains is the degree to which nationalities were still uneasy underneath this Empires umbrella. Examples:

15 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Beyond Hungary, what of the rest of the Habsburg domains? Most were against the Compromise of 1867 – which really meant that the would remain faceless and dominated by the Austrians and the Hungarians. The Czechs were the most vocal critics. The even called for “Trialism” – but that was squashed.

16 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Growth of nationalism in the last 25 years of the 1800’s: This is critical!!!~ Expansion of education, and a focus on language, culture and shared history. Growth of political, radicalism would engender further movements toward a national agenda. The growing weakness of the Ottoman Empire would cause rise of nationalism in the Balkans.

17 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Croats and Poles sought independent states Calls for a Southern Slavic State Serbia was looking to expand their boundaries in the Balkans, at the expense of the Ottomans and Austro/Hungarian Empires. Many Germans in the Austrian Empire sought to join the newly formed state of Germany

18 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Hence, Nationality will touch the: Russian Empire Austrian Empire German Empire Ottoman Empire BY the end of WWI, each of these empires will have disappeared!!!

19 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Russia: Alexander II – Post Crimea and Reform. Abolition of Serfdom – This is doen before the abolition of servitude in other places, particularily the Unite States. Land does not follow their freedom, however. They had to pay to be eventually free.

20 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Local Governmental Reform. As serfdom changes, so to does the model for local Government. Village model replaces the Lord/Nobility model. Legal system is revamped y Alexander II – Equality befoe the law, fair hearings,trial by Jury.

21 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Military reform: had to be modernized, and te length of service was diminished. Discipline would be relaxed as well – it ha been historically brutal. The repression in Poland reminds us that this was not exactly an era of good feelings in Russia. And, despite these changes, Alexander II does not gain popular support from the masses.

22 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Revolutionary Fever in Russia: Populism - a radical movement/critique of Russian Rule began to grow as a movement. Social revolution, a society based on the communal life of the peasantry was posed as the ideal system. Land and Freedom – was the primary group associated with this movement.

23 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB It would not be the peasants themselves that would rise up, but theywould be lead/encouraged by student intellectuals from the citis that would spread to the countryside. Ironically, the peasantswould remain fiercely loyal and conservative, and turned many of the studenst in to the secret police. As gthe Tsar pushed harder against them, they pushed back.

24 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB Like we will see later, the movemen Land and Freedom would split, and amore radical faction called the “People’s Will” would have a more violent agenda. March, 1881 – they succeed in assassinating the Tsar. Obviously, after this, an era of progressive reform would not be possible in Russia. Alexander III would revert to centralized power, secret police and censorship.

25 Chapter 22: Nation States: France - GB

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