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Immigration Chapter 6, Section 1

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1 Immigration Chapter 6, Section 1

2 Why do people migrate (leave)
Government is oppressive Freeland Food Religious persecutions Forced military service Criminal Jobs/business

3 Old Immigrants Immigrants who arrived before 1890 and typically came from northern and western Europe.

4 New Immigration New Immigration – Immigrants who arrived after 1890 and typically came from Italy, Greece, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Serbia. More than 70% of the New Immigrates were men.

5 Immigrants European Immigrants 14 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean
Miserable conditions on the boat (steerage) Steerage was the cheapest accommodations. Most arrived at Ellis Island, NY 12 Million immigrants passed through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954. You could be sent back to Europe if you had physical health problems.

6 Chinese Immigrants Chinese people immigrated due to famine, unemployment, and poverty. Also the Taipei Rebellion occurred, which was a very bloody conflict. Chinese immigrants worked as laborers, servants or skilled workers.

7 Other Asian Immigrants
Japanese people immigrated due to economic problems in Japan. Asian immigrants settled mostly in the west and usually arrived in San Francisco at Angel Island.

8 Angel Island, San Francisco

9 Ethnic Cities In large cities (example – New York City), immigrants made up a large percentage. Immigrants lived in neighborhoods that were separated into ethnic groups like: Little Italy China Town Lower East Side (Jewish)

10 Nativism

11 Prejudice of Immigrants
In the late 1800s, anti-immigrant feelings were largely directed against Asians; Jews; and Eastern Europeans Nativism – extreme dislike of immigrants by native-born people. Did not want people to immigrant because: Upset the religious balance. Take jobs away by accepting lower wages.

12 Religious Differences
Some native-born Americans feared the influx of Catholic into the mostly Protestant United States.

13 Prejudice of Immigrants
Also, many labor unions opposed immigration, arguing that immigrants would work for low wages or accept work as strikebreakers. The Workingman's Party of California was organized to fight Chinese immigration. To reduce immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe, congress mandated a literacy test for all new immigrants.

14 Questions Do you think the United States should limit immigration?
Should people coming into the United States already know English?

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