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BM3 Q3 Review. Standards 6.62—Explain the rise of the Roman Republic and the role of Mythical and historical figures in Roman History, including Romulus.

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Presentation on theme: "BM3 Q3 Review. Standards 6.62—Explain the rise of the Roman Republic and the role of Mythical and historical figures in Roman History, including Romulus."— Presentation transcript:

1 BM3 Q3 Review

2 Standards 6.62—Explain the rise of the Roman Republic and the role of Mythical and historical figures in Roman History, including Romulus and Remus, Hannibal, and the Carthaginian Wars, Cicero, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Hadrian, Aeneas, and Cincinnatus. 6.65—Reflect on the impact of the lives of Cleopatra, Marc Antony, Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, and the city of Constantinople on the Roman Empire.

3 Romulus & Remus Traditional legend says that Rome was founded by?

4 Republic A government created in Rome where the people elect leaders to govern them

5 Dictator Rulers with almost absolute power. These rulers usually come to power by force.

6 Cincinnatus The best known early Roman dictator of the Republic.

7 Hannibal This Carthaginian general led his troops across the Alps mountains on war elephants.

8 Punic Wars A series of wars between Rome and Carthage.

9 Twelve Month Calendar One reform of Julius Caesar that still affects us today?

10 Three The Roman Republic was organized into how many branches? One branch made ____Laws Another branch ran the daily affairs of the _____________ Government A third branch acted as ________ Judges

11 Second Triumvirate Lepidus, Antony, and Octavian were members of Rome’s what?

12 This Roman Emperor had the Temple of Zeus built in Athens and rebuilt the Pantheon after a fire. Hadrian

13 Constantinople This city has had three different names, was ruled by both Christians & Muslims, and is located in present day Turkey.

14 Latin Constantinople first resembled cities in the Roman Empire because this language was spoken there.

15 Marc Antony This Roman general and member of the Triumvirate, fought against Octavian (Augustus) in the Battle of Actium.

16 Cleopatra This ruler of Egypt, fell in love with Marc Antony and helped take over the Roman Republic.

17 Diocletian This Roman emperor who ruled at the end of the Pax Romana and divided the Roman Empire into four parts to help protect against the Germanic Invasions.

18 Constantine This Roman Emperor moved the Empire’s capital to Constantinople. Constantinople, the new capital of the Roman Empire, was formerly the city of? Byzantium

19 Nero This emperor was very cruel and brutal. He had many Christians and other people including his mother and two wives crucified.

20 Julius Caesar In 44 B.C this person took over the Roman government and declared himself dictator for life.

21 Patricians Roman nobles who ran the government. Only they could be elected to office, so they held all political power. The group of common people or peasants in Rome who were calling for changing the government where they had more of a say in how the city was run. Plebeians

22 Aeneas A hero of Rome during the Trojan War who helped destroy Troy.

23 Magistrates Government officials who were elected. The title of the two most powerful magistrates. Consuls

24 Roman Senate A council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city’s leaders.

25 Veto To prohibit actions by other officials A method of balancing power Checks and balances

26 Legion A group of up to 6,000 Roman Soldiers.

27 Spartacus Former Gladiator who rises up to demand freedom. He is killed in the battle and revolt ends.

28 Octavian “Augustus” Caesar’s adopted son who fought with Anthony to avenge his father’s death. He becomes emperor and sole ruler. Gives up thrown to senate, who renames him “Augustus.” Marks end of Roman Republic and Start of Roman Empire.

29 Pax Romana “Roman Peace” The first 200 years of the Roman Empire with a stable government and prosperity.

30 Aqueduct Raised channels used to carry water to mountains in cities.

31 Romance Languages Stems of Latin, includes: Italian, Spanish, French & Portuguese.

32 Civil Law A legal system based on a written code or laws. The decay of people’s values Corruption

33 Byzantine Empire The society that developed in the Eastern Roman Empire. Run by the Greeks.

34 Colosseum Where most gladiator fights were fought at.

35 Tiber River The most important river in Italy. Rome developed along this river.

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