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Mini Final 1.   Definition = hernia, tumor, protrusion  Examples:  Cystocele – “SIS-t ə -seel”  Hydrocele – “hī-dr ə -sēl” -cele.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Final 1.   Definition = hernia, tumor, protrusion  Examples:  Cystocele – “SIS-t ə -seel”  Hydrocele – “hī-dr ə -sēl” -cele."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini Final 1


3   Definition = hernia, tumor, protrusion  Examples:  Cystocele – “SIS-t ə -seel”  Hydrocele – “hī-dr ə -sēl” -cele

4   Definition = blood  Examples:  Hyperglycemia – “hī-p ə r- ɡ lī-sē-mē- ə ”  Polycythemia – “päli-sī-THē-mē- ə -emia

5   Definition = expansion, dilatation  Examples:  Angiectasis – “an-je-ek-tah-sis”  Bronchiectasis – “bräNG-kē-ek-t ə -sis” -ectasis

6   Definition = condition, formation of, presence of  Examples:  Lithiasis – “ li-THī- ə -sis ”  Cholelithiasis – “ kō-l ə -l ə -THī- ə -s ə s ” -iasis

7   Definition = inflammation  Examples:  Carditis – “ kär-dī-d ə s ”  Iritis – “ ī-rī-tis ” -itis


9   Definition = softening  Examples:  Encephalomalacia – “ en-sef-ah-lo-mah-la- shah ”  Osteomalacia – “äs-tē-ō-m ə -lā-SH ə ” -malacia

10   Definition = enlargement  Examples:  Acromegaly – “ ak-rō-me ɡ - ə -lē ”  Splenomegaly – “ splēn- ə -me ɡ - ə -lē ” -megaly

11   Definition = tumor  Examples:  Carcinoma – “ kär-s ə -nō-m ə ”  Sarcoma – “ sär-kō-m ə ” -oma

12   Definition = abnormal condition  Examples:  Arteriosclerosis – “ är-ti-rē-ō-skl ə -rō-s ə s ”  Dermatosis – “ d ə r-m ə -tō-sis ” -osis

13   Definition = disease  Examples:  Adenopathy – “ ad- ə n-äp- ə -thē ”  Myopathy – “ mī-äp- ə -THē ” -pathy

14   Definition = falling  Examples:  Blepharoptosis – “ bleph-ar-o-pto-sis ”  Gastroptosis – “ gas-trō-ptō-sis ” -ptosis

15   Definition = rupture  Examples:  Angiorrhexis – “an-jē-ŏ-rek-sĭs”  Cardiorrhexis – “kahr-de-o-rek-sis” -rhexis


17   Definition = puncture  Examples:  Paracentesis – “ per- ə -sen-tē-s ə s ”  Thoracentesis – “ thor- ə -sen-tē-sis ” -centesis

18   Definition = excision  Examples:  Oophorectomy – “ ō-f ə -rek-t ə -mē ”  Tonsillectomy – “ tän-s ə -lek-t ə -mē ” -ectomy

19   Definition = binding, fixation  Examples:  Arthrodesis – “ är-THräd- ə -s ə s ”  Tenodesis – “ ten-od- ə -sis ” -desis

20   Definition = incision for removal of stones  Examples:  Cholelithotomy – “ koli-lith-ot- ə -mē ”  Nephrolithotomy – “ nef-roh-lith-ot- ə -mē ” -lithotomy

21   Definition = suspension, fixation  Examples:  Hysteropexy – “his-ter-o-pek-sē”  Mastopexy – “mas-to-pek-sē]” -pexy

22   Definition = surgical correction, plastic repair of  Examples:  Arthroplasty – “är-THr ə -plas-tē”  Hernioplasty – “her-ni-oh-plas-tē” -plasty

23   Definition = suture  Example:  Perineorrhaphy – “per-ĭ-ne-or- ə -fē” -rhaphy

24   Definition = inspection, examination  Example:  Bronchoscopy – “bron-KOS-ko-pē” -scopy


26   Definition = creation of a more or less permanent opening  Examples:  Colostomy – “k ə -läs-t ə -mē”  Gastroduodenostomy – “gas-tro-doo-o-dĕ- nos-t ə -mē” -stomy

27   Definition = incision into  Examples:  Antrotomy – “ an-trot-ō-mē ”  Neurotomy – “ n(y)oo-räd- ə -mē ” -tomy

28   Definition = crushing, friction  Example:  Lithotripsy – “ liTH- ə -trip-sē ” -tripsy

29   Definition = pain  Example:  Gastralgia – “ gas-tral-gē-a ” -algia

30   Definition = origin  Examples:  Bronchogenic – “ bräNG-kō-jen-ik ”  Pathogenic – “path- ō-jen-ik ” -genic

31   Definition = dissolution, breaking down  Example:  Myolysis – “m ī- ol-i-sis ” -lysis

32   Definition = like  Example:  Lymphoid – “ lim-foid ” -oid

33   Definition = deficiency, decrease  Example:  Leukopenia – “ loo-k ə -pē-nē- ə ” -penia

34   Definition = involuntary contraction  Example:  Chirospasm – “ kī-rō-spazm ” -spasm

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