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Presentation on theme: "The Urinary System MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Dr ATEF MASAD 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Functions  The urinary system consists of 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, a urinary bladder, and the urethra.  The urethra has distinct functions depending on the sex (gender) of the individual.  The female urethra has ONLY a urinary function. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD2

3  The male urethra has both urinary and reproductive functions.  In both sexes, the main function of the urinary system is the eliminate waste products from the body. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD3

4 The Functions  Maintain HOMEOSTASIS, or a constant internal environment.  Maintain constant concentrations of salt, water, and acids. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD4

5 Anatomy of the Urinary System  Blood enters the kidneys through the RENAL ARTERIES and leaves the kidneys through the RENAL VEINS.  Blood is filtered in the GLOMERULUS.  The glomerulus is part of the functional unit of the kidney called the NEPHRON.  The nephrons are contained within the RENAL CORTEX and RENAL MEDULLA. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD5

6  Urine is collected in the CALICES (singular – CALYX).  From the calices (located within the RENAL PELVIS) the urine enters the URETERS.  The ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD6

7  Within the bladder, urine is stored until there is enough pressure to cause it to enter the urethra.  The urethra carries urine from the bladder to the outside world.  The male urethra has three parts: 1. penile urethra – within the penis 1. penile urethra – within the penis 2. membranous urethra – within the urogenital diaphragm 2. membranous urethra – within the urogenital diaphragm 3. prostatic urethra – within the prostate gland 3. prostatic urethra – within the prostate gland 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD7

8  The female urethra is very short and is located superior to the vagina. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD8

9 Urinary Combining Forms Combining Form MeaningExample Cyst / o bladder Cyst / o / scope Instrument to view the bladder Ureter / o ureter Ureter / o / lith A stone or calculus in the ureter Glomerul / o glomerulus Glomerul / o/ pathy Disease of the glomerulus Nephr / o kidney Nephr / itis Inflammation of the kidney Ren / o kidney Ren / al Pertaining to the kidney 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD9

10 Pyel / o Renal pelvis Pyel / lith /o/ tomy An incision in the renal pelvis to remove a stone Urethr / o urethra Urethr /o/ dynia Pain in the urethra Ur / o urine Ur / emia Blood in the urine Urin / o urine Urin / ary Pertaining to the urine 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD10

11 Some Suffixes -osis abnormal condition -pathy disease -pexy fixation -ptosis falling 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD11

12 Abnormal condition -osis Enlargement - megaly Hardening - scler 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD12

13 What does each word mean? Nephromegaly Enlargement of the kidney Enlargement of the kidneyNephrectomy Removal of the kidney Removal of the kidney 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD13

14 The suffix –iasis is used to describe something abnormal. An abnormal condition of kidney stones is Nephr / o / lith / iasis Nephr / o / lith / iasis kidneystone Abnormal condition 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD14

15 Combine nephr / o and -ptosis Nephroptosis Which means a dropping or prolapse of a kidney. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD15

16 The Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra  Urine is conveyed from each kidney through one of two ureters and stored in the bladder until it is removed from the body through the urethra. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD16

17 The suffix -ectasis means dilation or enlargement. Therefore, an enlargement of the ureter is called ureter / ectasis. A stone in the ureter is a ureterolith ureterolith 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD17

18 You would use a procedure called a ureter / o / lith /o / tomy ureter / o / lith /o / tomy to remove a ureterolith. A surgical procedure stone ureter 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD18

19  Stones are formed in the urinary tract by the deposit of crystalline substances excreted in the urine.  Stones can be surgically removed or crushed so the pieces are voided in the urine.  The suffix -tripsy means crushing. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD19

20  The urinary bladder is a muscular sac that stores urine until it is removed.  The combining forms cyst / o and vesic / o are used to refer to the bladder. vesic / o are used to refer to the bladder. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD20

21 Ureterolith -> stone in the ureter. Ureterocystoscope -> an instrument to view the ureter and bladder. Ureterocystoscopy -> visual examination of the ureter and bladder. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD21

22  The urethra differs in men and women. In men, it serves a dual function of conveying sperm and urine. In females, it only conveys urine.  The combining form for urethra is urethr / o urethr / o 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD22

23 Cancers  Malignant tumors are cancerous.  Benign tumors are non-cancerous.  Malignant tumors spread rapidly. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD23

24  The combining form adeno / o Is used to denote a gland. Therefore, adeno / o / dynia is a word that denotes pain in a gland. is a word that denotes pain in a gland. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD24

25  The combining form carcin / o means cancer.  Therefore, aden / o / carcin / oma aden / o / carcin / oma refers to a cancerous glandular tumor. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD25

26  A “UTI” refers to URINARY TRACT INFECTION.  UTI’s account for the majority of office visits resulting from urinary symptoms. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD26

27 The Nephron  Each kidney contains about 1 million NEPHRONS. These structures are the filtering mechanisms of the kidney.  The nephron is responsible for keeping fluid levels balanced.  Urine flows from the nephron into the funnel- shaped CALYX.  From the calyx, urine passes into the RENAL PELVIS to the ureter. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD27

28  The combining form pyel / o pyel / o refers to the renal pelvis. refers to the renal pelvis. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD28

29 Parts of the Nephron  Glomerulus  Collecting tube  Bowman’s Capsule The combining form glomerul / o glomerul / o refers to the glomerulus. refers to the glomerulus. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD29

30 Combining Forms for Color Erythr / o -> red Leuk / o -> white 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD30

31 Combining Form for Infection PPPPUS is a collection of dead blood and inflammatory cells. TTTThe combining form that means pus is py / o 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD31

32  The suffix -uria refers to urination. Hemat / uria -> blood in urine Hemat / uria -> blood in urine py / uria -> pus in the urine py / uria -> pus in the urine 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD32

33 The combining form olig / o olig / o refers to scanty or little. refers to scanty or little. Therefore, olig / uria means little or scanty urination. Therefore, olig / uria means little or scanty urination. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD33

34 Miscellaneous The combining form for night is noct / o The suffix -phobia means fear. The prefix in- refers to “not”. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD34

35 Other Urinary Disorders AZOTURIA - an increase in nitrogen in the urine. DIURESIS – abnormally large amount of urine. ENURESIS – involuntary discharge of urine after the age which bladder control should have been established. HYPOSPADIAS – abnormally place urethral opening on the underside of the penis. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD35

36 PHIMOSIS – stenosis (narrowing) of the foreskin opening of the penis. UREMIA – elevate level of waste products (UREA) in the blood. 6/19/2015Dr ATEF MASAD36

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