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Basic Medical Terminology 1

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1 Basic Medical Terminology 1

2 Introduction Medical words are used daily Examples
media doctors, nurses working life Examples arthritis hepatitis anemia Useful to learn medical terminology

3 Objectives Enable you to understand the common medical terms
Allow you to explore and learn the vocabulary of the medical field Equip you with knowledge useful for daily work in the health care setting

4 Lecture Schedule Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Introduction
Word Structure and Analysis Suffixes Lecture 2 Prefixes Enlarging your medical vocabulary

5 Introduction to Medical Terminology

6 Introduction Most medical terms come from Many sound mysterious
Greek language diagnosis, surgery Latin languages anatomical names Many sound mysterious but can be easily worked out

7 Word Structure eg: trans/port ex/port words with 2 or more roots
All words have a word root eg: trans/port ex/port Compound words words with 2 or more roots eg: grand-father fire-fighter

8 Word Structure Vowel Combining form often added to a root word
allows formation of a compound word makes pronunciation easier Combining form word root + vowel eg: therm/o/meter micr/o/scope

9 Word Structure Suffix Medical terms Example attached to root
eg: practition-er Medical terms like jigsaw puzzle divided into several parts Example HEMATOLOGY HEMAT / O / LOGY

10 Word Analysis HEMAT/O/LOGY 1st step 2nd step 3rd step
look at end of the word suffix 2nd step look at beginning root word gives meaning of term 3rd step combining vowel usually consists of vowel “o” HEMAT/O/LOGY Suffix (“study of”) Root (“blood”) Combining vowel

11 Word Analysis the study of blood HEMAT / O / LOGY Suffix Root
Combining vowel Suffix (“blood”) (“study of”)

12 Electr/o/cardi/o/gram
Root Suffix suffix “gram” - a record 1st root “electr” - electricity 2nd root “cardi” - heart combining vowel “o” -connects roots with suffix

13 Word Analysis Electrocardiogram combining form
record of the electricity in the heart combining form combining vowel + root eg: cardi/o heart eg: electr/o electricity

14 Gastr/o/enter/o/logy
Root Suffix Suffix logy 1st combining form gastr/o 2nd combining form enter/o study of the stomach and intestines

15 Word Analysis Gastr/o/scope suffix scope combining form gastr/o
instrument to visually examine combining form gastr/o stomach instrument to visually examine the stomach

16 Word Analysis Gastr/ic suffix root pertaining to stomach
adjective: pertaining to combining vowel is dropped when suffix begins with a vowel root stomach pertaining to stomach

17 Word Analysis Cardi/ac suffix root pertaining to the heart
adjective: pertaining to combining vowel dropped root heart pertaining to the heart

18 Word Analysis Enter/itis suffix root inflammation of the intestines
combing vowel dropped root intestines inflammation of the intestines

19 Suffixes

20 Suffixes attached to the end of root words to further its meaning
2 groups those that describe diagnoses describe condition of patient those that describe procedures

21 Diagnostic Suffixes -algia -itis pain eg: neuralgia arthralgia
inflammation eg: arthritis carditis

22 Diagnostic Suffixes -ia -osis a state or condition eg: bradycardia
pneumonia -osis abnormal condition eg: neurosis

23 Diagnostic Suffixes -iasis -genic condition, formation of
presence of stone (lith-) eg: nephrolithiasis -genic origin, producing eg: neurogenic causes pathogenic bacteria

24 Diagnostic Suffixes -emia -megaly condition involving blood eg: anemia
septicemia, bacteremia -megaly enlargement eg: acromegaly hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly

25 Diagnostic Suffixes -oma -oid -lysis tumor, swelling
eg: breast adenoma -oid being like, resembling eg: uterine fibroid -lysis break down, loosening eg: hemolysis

26 Procedural Suffixes describe medical procedures examples
looking into body parts types of surgical repair removal of body part examples -ectomy -otomy -scopy

27 Procedural Suffixes -ectomy -otomy excision of, removal of
may or may not remove entire organ eg: tonsillectomy hepatectomy -otomy a surgical incision eg: craniotomy, laparotomy

28 Procedural Suffixes -centesis -scopy surgical puncture with a needle
eg: amniocentesis thoracocentesis -scopy insertion of an instrument to visualize eg: gastroscopy, cystoscopy

29 Procedural Suffixes -plasty -ostomy
surgical correction, plastic repair eg: hip arthroplasty -ostomy operation to create opening (stoma) eg: colostomy

30 Other Suffixes do not fit into either category -logy -form study of
eg: biology cardiology -form shape eg: deformed

31 Other Suffixes -gram, -graph a written record eg: electrocardiogram
polygraph machine measures several parameters

32 Other Suffixes -graphy process of recording eg: photography

33 Review Root word Suffix Combining vowel Combining form
gives essential meaning of term Suffix word end Combining vowel connects root to suffix /other roots Combining form combination of root and combining vowel


35 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE  1. All words have a A. root B. vowel C. prefix

36 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 2. The root in the medical term “tonsillitis” is
A. itis B. sill C. tonsill 3. “Fasciotomy” is an example of a A. simple word B. compound word C. combining word

37 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 4. When you analyze a medical term, begin at the
A. beginning of the word B. middle of the word C. end of the word 5. Adding a vowel to a root results in a A. prefix B. combining form C. complex word

38 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 6. Which of the following can be used to divide words into their word parts? A. / B. = C. … 7. Which of the following combinations do not need a combining vowel? A. dermat + itis B. micr + scopy C. dermat + logy

39 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 8. Combining forms
A. are always used to end a medical term B. are never connected to a suffix C. are never used to end a medical term 9. The word gastroduodenoscopy has A. 1 root B. 2 roots C. 3 roots

40 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 10. In the word “ physiology”, the suffix is
A. phy B. physio C. logy

41 Divide each of the following words into their component parts
Word Root word Combining Vowel Suffix Cardiologist Biology Mammogram Bronchoscopy Arthritis Inguinal Pneumonia Oncologist Cardi o logist Bi o logy Mamm o gram Bronch o scopy Arthr itis Inguin al Pneumon ia Onc o logist

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