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 Personal Training By: Aaron Innes. What does a Personal Trainer do?  A Personal Trainer trains individuals, groups or even teams  They create personal.

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Presentation on theme: " Personal Training By: Aaron Innes. What does a Personal Trainer do?  A Personal Trainer trains individuals, groups or even teams  They create personal."— Presentation transcript:

1  Personal Training By: Aaron Innes

2 What does a Personal Trainer do?  A Personal Trainer trains individuals, groups or even teams  They create personal workout plans for their clients  They help you get in better shape and help prevent injuries especially for athletes

3 How to become a Personal Trainer?  Personal Trainers meet requirements by National Certifying Organizations or get certifications through internship  Such as ACE (American Counsel on Exercise) or NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)  Fitness internships can be found online or at local gyms

4 What is the income of a Personal Trainer?  The Fitness Industry has become a $20 Million industry and will continue to increase  Average Personal Trainers make $50,000 a year and some make $80,000 a year  Depending on the clients you train and certifications you have, the pay can go up or down

5 Career Related Information  Dieting is very crucial to a Fitness plan  “Losing weight is 80% Nutrition” says Vince Gironda  Personal Trainers are required to learn about healthy eating habits and nutrition

6 Summary  A Personal Trainers creates customs workouts for all clients  They can get certified through online Programs or internships  Income is based on certifications and clients  Nutrition is very crucial to weight lose and most personal trainers are required to know this

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