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Middle Adulthood: Ages 40 through 65

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2 Middle Adulthood: Ages 40 through 65
11 Middle Adulthood: Ages 40 through 65

3 Objectives Analyze physical changes that occur in middle-aged adults.
Analyze cognitive changes that occur in middle-aged adults. Analyze socio-emotional changes that occur in middle-aged adults. continued

4 Objectives Summarize how middle-aged adults express generativity rather than stagnation. Identify how supportive relationships impact physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional well-being. Give an example of how becoming an adult during a specific period of time in history impacts a person’s life.

5 Physical Qualities and Changes
Middle adulthood typically refers to the time period from ages 40 through 65 years During the middle adult years, reproductive capacity declines or is lost for both men and women, which is called climacteric For men, a decrease occurs as the male hormone testosterone declines continued

6 Physical Qualities and Changes
Women experience a decrease in estrogen and progesterone This first stage of reduced fertility is called perimenopause Eventually, women reach menopause and can no longer reproduce continued

7 Physical Qualities and Changes
One of the first observed sensory changes in middle adulthood is diminished hearing The loss of visual acuity, or vision sharpness, is more noticeable The condition of presbyopia is also common due to loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye continued

8 Physical Qualities and Changes
During middle adulthood, sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass and strength, occurs At the same time, fat tissue increases Many adults may feel stiffness in their bones Calcium deficiency causes bones to become brittle and less dense, which may result in a condition called osteoporosis continued

9 Physical Qualities and Changes
As muscle mass and bone density decrease, so does muscle strength Physical activity can slow or reverse many of these changes As physical abilities decline, good nutrition and regular physical activity are important continued

10 Physical Qualities and Changes
The average person will gain 10 to 20 pounds throughout middle age without some change in diet and activity Middle-aged adults continue to need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night Symptoms from inadequate sleep may include the reduced ability to concentrate, solve problems, and be productive continued

11 Physical Qualities and Changes
During middle adulthood, scheduling regular health checkups remains important Wellness and eye exams are recommended exams during middle adulthood Dentists recommend scheduling visits once a year and cleanings every six months continued

12 Physical Qualities and Changes
In middle adulthood, chronic diseases overtake accidents as the leading cause of death Chronic diseases usually start slowly and last for years, if not a lifetime Diabetes and arthritis are common examples of chronic diseases continued

13 Physical Qualities and Changes
Cancer, which is the abnormal growth and division of cells in the body, is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood A benign tumor is noncancerous Malignant is the term used to describe tumors that are cancerous continued

14 Physical Qualities and Changes
Cancers are treated in various ways including chemotherapy (the use of cancer-killing chemicals or drugs) radiation surgical removal Most cancers are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors continued

15 Physical Qualities and Changes
Cardiovascular disease, abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels, is the second leading cause of death Cardiovascular disease is caused by the process of atherosclerosis, or the clogging of arteries with plaque (a fatty substance) continued

16 Physical Qualities and Changes
Cardiovascular disease is hereditary or a result of unhealthful lifestyle choices such as a poor diet or smoking Good health habits such as proper nutrition, stress management, physical activity, and preventive health care may reduce risks

17 What key bodily changes can be expected in middle adulthood?
(Answers will vary, but should reflect an understanding of text pages 268–269.) What are the symptoms of menopause? hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood changes, and forgetfulness What is osteoporosis? condition caused by a calcium deficiency in which bones become brittle and less dense continued

18 How can adults decrease the risk of gradual weight gain?
by reducing calorie intake, taking daily walks, following MyPlate guidelines and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans List at least three exams or screenings doctors recommend for middle-aged adults. (List three:) wellness exams, eye exams, dental exams, mammograms for women, and prostate exams for men.

19 Signs of Cognitive Change
In middle adulthood, cognitive changes occur Some cognitive functions improve while others decline Crystallized intelligence, which includes judgment and accumulated knowledge, often increases in middle adulthood continued

20 Signs of Cognitive Change
The ability to reason peaks during middle adulthood Adults use inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning skills Middle-aged adults often demonstrate expert knowledge or skills continued

21 Signs of Cognitive Change
People in young adulthood tend to be better at remembering episodic memories than those in middle adulthood Middle-aged adults tend to remember semantic memories as experience gives them time and practice continued

22 Signs of Cognitive Change
Adults can continue to improve their language, memory, and reasoning skills According to Kohlberg’s theory, middle age adults are in the final stage of moral development This stage is called postconventional morality continued

23 Signs of Cognitive Change
Adults continue to care about their community, environment, and society Spiritual beliefs and religion may become more important Middle-aged adults become more interested in establishing and living by their personal values

24 How do middle-aged adult cognitive skills differ from younger adults?
Fluid intelligence peaks in early adulthood, but may start to decline in middle adulthood. Crystallized intelligence and reasoning skills increase in middle adulthood. Episodic memory is stronger in early adulthood, while semantic memory is stronger in middle adulthood. continued

25 What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning?
Inductive reasoning involves making conclusions by moving from detailed facts to general theory. Deductive reasoning uses general observation or theory to reach a detailed conclusion. continued

26 How do language skills change in middle adulthood?
vocabulary increases, knowledge of synonyms increases Middle-aged adults are in which stage of Kohlberg’s moral development theory? postconventional morality, in which they establish and live by their own personal values

27 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
By the time people reach middle age, most have lived through many life changes Maturity is the ability to adapt to the inevitable changes that happen in life continued ©Andy Dean Photography/

28 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Middle adulthood is a time for figuring out how to leave legacies of one’s self to the next generation Erikson called this stage of socio-emotional development the generativity versus stagnation phase continued

29 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Generativity takes many forms Biological generativity involves raising children Parental generativity is giving back to future generations by participating in children’s lives Work generativity involves passing on work knowledge, skills, and cultural values to future generations Cultural generativity includes communicating cultural values and traditions in the larger society continued

30 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
In middle age, adults may need to balance providing care to aging parents and care for their children This creates a group called the sandwich generation As adult children leave home, the household shrinks creating an empty nest continued

31 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Parents often become grandparents during their middle adult years Sometimes, grandparents may find themselves in the role of parenting their children’s children Causes the grandparenting role to become more similar to a parenting role continued

32 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Once children leave the house, parents experience a shift in living arrangements and emotions During this time, couples may need to reestablish their relationships Some marriages may falter and dissolve continued

33 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Having supportive relationships is important in any stage of life Positive relationships contribute to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being Supportive relationships are healthy relationships that include give-and-take between those involved continued

34 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
As adults face midlife, they often question whether their chosen career is the one they wish to continue Some adults decide that midlife is the perfect time to make changes After working hard for many years, people in middle adulthood often have to learn how to relax and enjoy leisure time continued

35 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Taking time for personal pursuits can be essential in relieving stress Leisure activities help to define self-identity outside of career or family identity Retirement is often on the minds of middle-aged adults continued

36 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
Becoming an adult during a specific period of time in history impacts your life The significant social, political, and economic events during this “coming of age” period of life influence a generation Those who are born in a similar time in history are called generational cohorts continued

37 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
People born between the years of 1946 and 1964 are the Baby Boomer Generation Baby Boomers have influenced American trends from a very early age Many people believe they will redefine the meaning and purpose of older adulthood continued

38 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
People born between the years of 1965 and 1979 are known as Generation X This generation of Americans experienced huge social changes Sometimes, members of Generation X are called the Digital Generation as they were children and teens when the first personal computer was introduced continued

39 Signs of Socio-emotional Change
People born between the years of 1980 and 1995 are the Millennial Generation Although not as large as the Baby Boomer Generation, the Millennial Generation is already making a huge impact on society Currently, the Millennial Generation is either entering or entrenched in young adulthood

40 According to Erikson, which stage of socio-emotional development are middle-aged adults experiencing? What is the struggle in this stage? generativity versus stagnation, in which adults must determine what legacies they will leave of themselves to future generations continued

41 What is the sandwich generation
What is the sandwich generation? List some of the challenges this generation faces. The sandwich generation describes the situation when adults must provide care for needs of both their aging parents and children at the same time. They face emotional challenges in dealing with the declining health of their parents and they may encounter stress and schedule overload trying to care for parents and children. continued

42 Describe a supportive relationship.
a healthy relationship that involves give-and-take and provides help and support to adults facing new life challenges Why is taking advantage of leisure opportunities especially important in middle adulthood? Leisure time is essential in relieving stress and can help define the self outside of career and family identity. continued

43 How does the generation people are born in impact an individual’s life?
Living through certain political, social, and economic events can have a huge impact on people. These experiences can influence interest differences between people of different generations.

44 Special Needs During middle adulthood, special needs can develop as a result of aging Sometimes, changes to the structure of a home need to be made to accommodate special needs Universal design is housing design that meets the physical needs of people of all ages and abilities

45 What is universal design?
housing design that meets the physical needs of people of all ages and abilities List two examples of universal design features. (List two:) adjusted countertop height, wheelchair accessible ramps, widened hallways, safety handrails, wooden floors, and waterproof shower seats What are the main purposes of universal design? safety, convenience, and accessibility

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