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J. Patrick Megonigal Smithsonian Environmental Research Center State of research on climate mitigation benefits from conservation and restoration of blue.

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Presentation on theme: "J. Patrick Megonigal Smithsonian Environmental Research Center State of research on climate mitigation benefits from conservation and restoration of blue."— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Patrick Megonigal Smithsonian Environmental Research Center State of research on climate mitigation benefits from conservation and restoration of blue carbon systems

2 Tidal Wetland Ecosystem Services Habitat Pollution Reduction Storm Protection Carbon Sequestration

3 Sea Level-Driven C Sequestration Capacity Created by Adam Langley carbon deposited with sediment carbon from plants

4 Annual Rate of Carbon Storage McLeod et al. 2011, Frontiers

5 Habitat Type Global extent (Mha) Conversion drivers Annual Loss Rate (~1980–2000) Total Historical Loss (%) Seagrass30 - 60 a Water quality degradation, mechanical damage 1.2%–2% b 29 c Tidal Marsh 5.1 d Historical reclamation for agriculture & salt ponds; real estate development 1%–2% e Centuries of conversion f Mangroves13.8 –17 g Aquaculture, forestry uses, Agriculture 0.7%–2.1% h 35 i Murray et al. 2010, Nicholas Institute Policy Brief Blue Carbon Pools tropical forest Soil Carbon Plant Carbon

6 Threats to Blue Carbon Ecosystems Kirwan & Megonigal 2013, Nature

7 Carbon Losses from Blue Carbon Ecosystems Pendleton et al. 2012, PLoS One

8 CEC. 2013. North American Blue Carbon Scoping Study. Howard et al. 2014

9 Challenges to Carbon Accounting

10 source: Melanie Engram, UAF

11 Radiative Forcing by CH 4 and N 2 O CO 2 CH 4 = 34 CO 2 N 2 O = 298 CO 2

12 Poffenberger, Needelman & Megonigal (2011) 95% quartile Problem #1: CH 4 and N 2 O Emissions 75% quartile 25% quartile 5% quartile Methane emissions negated by soil carbon storage (Chmura et al. 2003) net carbon sinkno change Log 10

13 Problem #2: Carbon Double Counting

14 Problem #3: Stability Against Sea Level Rise USGS

15 Nickolay Lamm Thank You

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