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Professor John Agard UWI Environment in Development.

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1 Professor John Agard UWI Environment in Development

2 Goods Pressure Services Economy Environment SocietyCulture The 3 pillars have to be balanced in order to achieve Sustainable Development



5 How do we manage the impacts of the economy and society on the environment ? Command and Control e.g. EM Act 2000 –CEC Rules 2001, Water Pollution Rules 2001, Noise Pollution Rules 2001, ESA Rules 2001, ESS Rules 2001 -but Air Rules and Waste Rules not law yet. -No environmental legislation passed in last 5 years. Economic Incentives deposit refund legislation, tax credits for environmental improvements Corporate Responsibility -e.g. ISO1401 Environmental Management System, Triple bottom line accounting

6 How do we manage the impacts of the economy and society on the environment when all other measures fail? Consumer Resistance Public Pressure

7 Supporting Services that maintain the conditions for supporting life Nutrient cycling e.g. forest, mangroves, coral reefs, plankton Provisioning Goods produced or provided by ecosystems.  Food  Freshwater  Timber  Pharmaceutical's Regulating Benefits obtained from regulation of ecosystem processes  Climate regulation  Disease control  Detoxification Cultural Non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems  Recreational  Aesthetic  Inspirational  Educational. POTENTIAL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES FROM THE CARIBBEAN SEA

8 MA Conceptual Framework Direct Drivers Indirect Drivers Ecosystem Services Human Well-being Direct Drivers of Change  Changes in land use  Species introduction or removal  Technology adaptation and use  External inputs (e.g., irrigation)  Resource consumption  Climate change  Natural physical and biological drivers (e.g., volcanoes) Indirect Drivers of Change  Demographic  Economic (globalization, trade, market and policy framework)  Sociopolitical (governance and institutional framework)  Science and Technology  Cultural and Religious Human Well-being and Poverty Reduction  Basic material for a good life  Health  Good Social Relations  Security  Freedom of choice and action

9 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE COMPLEX FEEDBACKS BETWEEN THE CLIMATE SYSTEM, BIODIVERSITY AND HUMANS Socio-Economic Development Paths Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Main indirect drivers are population, energy use,economic growth, technology and land use Temperature rise Sea level rise Precipitation change Storm intensity increase Human wellbeing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Climate System Human & Natural Systems Enhanced greenhouse effect Non-climate change stresses Interactions Air pollution Environmental impacts Atmospheric Concentrations Anthropogenic emissions Climate change impacts Feedbacks

10 Health Insect vectors and infectious diseases Agriculture Crop yields Irrigation demands Watershed Management Changes in water supply Water quality Coastal Areas Erosion of beaches (loss of coral reefs) Inundation of coastal wetlands Costs to protect coastal communities Forests Change in forest composition Shift geographic range of forests Forest health and productivity Carbon sequestration Species and Natural Areas Shift in ecological zones Loss of habitat and species Potential Climate Change Impacts Climate Changes Sea Level Rise Temperature Precipitation Tropical Storms


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