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Coho was just the warmup… Marking redds, boating, and advanced PDA use.

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Presentation on theme: "Coho was just the warmup… Marking redds, boating, and advanced PDA use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coho was just the warmup… Marking redds, boating, and advanced PDA use.

2 Coming Attractions Survey Procedure –Identifying and marking STW redds PDA use –Introducing ArcPad Boating Techniques and Safety

3 Goals of Sampling Estimate of the number of steelhead redds in each of the coastal Distinct Population Segments Document spawning distribution and timing. Estimate the proportion of hatchery origin adults spawning.



6 Survey Procedure Finding the survey –Survey descriptions in PDA and notebook –Start and end points and topo maps in Pocket Navigator (GPS) –Survey section in ArcPad (GPS) Contacting Landowners –Must be done for repeat mainstem surveys –Review sheets for coho and new mainstem surveys

7 Survey Procedure Identifying Redds –Size and shape: Steelhead sized oblong depression and mound –Can be in unusual places We can always remove a data record –Scour and lamprey redds Round with rocks displaced around the redd Marking Redds –Rocks, Flagging, and GPS Coordinates –The Redd Longevity Form



10 Steelhead Redd

11 Lamprey Redd


13 Visual Detection of Fin-marks

14 Comment Codes: 68 coho fry present 69coho fry prevalent 70coho fry abundant 72chinook fry present 73chinook fry prevalent 74chinook fry abundant 75trout fry present 76trout fry prevalent 78 unknown fry 79 yearling coho observed 99 placed stw carcasses observed


16 PDA Changes


18 Redd Longevity Form



21 PDA Changes

22 ArcPad Must download and decompress the redds map weekly

23 ArcPad



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