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Welcome to the Faculty Senate Welcome to new and returning senators. On behalf of the NAU faculty, I wish to thank you for agreeing to serve as senator.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Faculty Senate Welcome to new and returning senators. On behalf of the NAU faculty, I wish to thank you for agreeing to serve as senator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Faculty Senate Welcome to new and returning senators. On behalf of the NAU faculty, I wish to thank you for agreeing to serve as senator of your respective voting units. The following presentation is intended to provide you with information that will assist you in performing your duties as a senator. I look forward to working with you! Sincerely, Astrid Klocke, FS President

2 Faculty Senate Responsibilities As Articulated in the By-Laws Faculty Senators are faculty members of Northern Arizona University elected by their academic units/colleges. Senators are expected to  Attend Senate meetings  Report to the faculty in their respective academic units (i.e. colleges, not just home departments) and bring feedback from their constituents to the Senate  Serve on a Senate committees, councils or as a Senate representative on a university committee

3 Senate Meetings  Know what to expect before the monthly meeting begins.  The agenda and materials for the meeting are distributed electronically in advance. Please review them so you are ready for discussion. Please bring your mobile devices or make your own hard copies.  Senate meetings begin promptly at 3:00pm. The meeting schedule can be found on the Senate website:

4 Senate Meetings  Senators are expected at all meetings.  If you cannot attend a meeting you must notify the Senate office of your anticipated absence and the name of your substitute.  Your substitute enjoys all the privileges of your office during your absence.  Should a senator or his/her substitute miss three or more meetings in a given academic year, his/her seat can be declared vacant.

5 Communicate with your Constituents  Carrying information between the Senate and your academic unit is essential to shared governance.  How you accomplish this may vary, but regular e-mailings and/or unit caucuses are some methods that have proven successful.  All approved minutes are posted on our webpage. One designated senator from each unit/college will also received Quick Notes of each meeting. These are meant to serve as starting points for your communication. Add comments and information specific to your constituents before you disseminate them!

6 Serve on a Committee or Council  Membership on Senate or university committees and councils is part of your commitment, is vital to the success of various committees, and strengthens shared governance.  It is always good to have both veteran senators as well as freshman senators on these committees and councils. Both can offer their collective knowledge of the workings of the university as well as bring a new perspectives to the committee.  The Senate committees/councils are: Executive Committee, Nomination/Election Committee, Bylaws Committee, Budget Committee, Planning and Budget Council, Council on Learning, Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Council.

7 Contact Information The Faculty Senate operates an office located in Room 235 of the Cline Library (building #28). Administrative Assistant for the Faculty Senate is Pamela Lynch-VanWyck PO Box 6038 Phone: 928-523-9053 Fax: 928-523-9085 We look forward to working with you as we continue the task of shared governance at Northern Arizona University.

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