PALMDALE ENERGY PROJECT AMENDMENT (08-AFC-09C) Data Response Workshop Participation Information, Purpose, and Agenda Topics December 17, 2015 9:30 a.m.

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1 PALMDALE ENERGY PROJECT AMENDMENT (08-AFC-09C) Data Response Workshop Participation Information, Purpose, and Agenda Topics December 17, 2015 9:30 a.m. California Energy Commission 1519 9 th Street Sacramento, CA Rosenfeld Hearing Room WebEx Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-469-3239 Access code: 923 830 736 No password necessary

2 REMOTE WEBEX ATTENDANCE FOR THE PEP Amendment Data Response Workshop on December 17, 2015, 9:30 a.m. You may participate in this workshop through WebEx, the Energy Commission's online meeting service. Presentations will appear on your computer screen, and you may listen to audio via your computer or telephone. Please be aware that the meeting will be recorded. 1. COMPUTER LOG-ON WITH A DIRECT PHONE NUMBER: Please go to and enter: 923 830 736 No password necessary After you login, a prompt will appear on-screen for you to provide your phone number. In the Number box, type your area code and phone number and click OK. You will quickly receive a call back on your phone for the audio portion of the meeting. 2. COMPUTER LOG-ON FOR CALLERS WITH AN EXTENSION PHONE NUMBER, ETC: Please go to and enter: 923 830 736 After you login, a prompt will ask for your phone number. Click “CANCEL.” Instead call 1-866-469-3239. When prompted, enter: 923 830 736 and your unique Attendee ID number which is listed in the top left area of your computer screen after you login. 3. TELEPHONE ONLY (NO COMPUTER ACCESS): Call 1-866-469-3239 and when prompted enter: 923 830 736 If you have difficulty joining the meeting, please call the WebEx Technical Support number at 1-866-229- 3239. To see if your computer is compatible, visit [ html]. Please be aware that the meeting's WebEx audio and on-screen activity may be recorded. The WebEx recordings of the workshop will be posted on the project’s website, and may to be accessed for later review.

3 Data Response Workshop: Purpose The purpose of the workshop is to allow staff, the applicant and intervenors to discuss agency data requests and petitioner data responses for the proposed Palmdale Energy Project. Other topics may be discussed as needed. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for agencies, members of the public and any other interested parties to present comments.

4 Agenda Palmdale Energy Project (PEP) Amendment 08-AFC-09C Data Response Workshop December 17, 2015 9:30 a.m. Project Description: On July 20, 2015, Palmdale Energy, LLC submitted a Revised Petition to Amend (PTA), to construct and operate the Palmdale Energy Project (PEP), a two-on-one natural gas fired combined-cycle generating facility in the city of Palmdale, Los Angeles County. The proposed PEP would have a maximum output of 699.4 MWs (net) with HRSG duct burners in-service. Primary equipment for the generating facility would include two Siemens SGT6-5000F natural gas-fired combustion turbine-generators (CTGs) rated at 220 MW each, two heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), one steam turbine- generator (STG) rated at 232 MW, and one auxiliary boiler. The project is being designed as an efficient, flexible, reliable and environmentally sound power generating facility, to provide daily fast start and fast ramping capabilities.





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