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Sport Governance Conference In Partnership with the Legal Panel Framework Cynhadledd Llywodraethu Chwaraeon Mewn Partneriaeth â’r Fframwaith Panel Cyfreithiol.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport Governance Conference In Partnership with the Legal Panel Framework Cynhadledd Llywodraethu Chwaraeon Mewn Partneriaeth â’r Fframwaith Panel Cyfreithiol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport Governance Conference In Partnership with the Legal Panel Framework Cynhadledd Llywodraethu Chwaraeon Mewn Partneriaeth â’r Fframwaith Panel Cyfreithiol PRINCIPLES OF GOOD GOVERNANCE WORKSHOP GWEITHDAI EGWYDDORION LLYWODRAETHU DA Objectivity: Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board Gwrthrychedd: Bwrdd Cytbwys, Cynhwysol a Medrus Pauline Harrison (Independent Governance and Leadership Consultant)

2 Fourth Principle Objectivity: Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board

3 Outcomes of the day understand the nature, structure and benefits of a balanced Board how to run effective and transparent recruitment campaigns examine the value brought by independent/non- executive members Opportunity to share best practice

4 The Board should be made up of individuals with the right balance of skills and experience to meet the needs of the organisation. Included in this is a need for independent expertise and for representation of the diversity of the sport and the communities they serve. Fourth Principle Objectivity: Balanced, inclusive and skilled Board NGBs, CSPs and representative bodies fed in responses to a consultation and the Code was re- drafted based on the views of the sector Essentially it’s about … Board Composition

5 In a nutshell … What is a Board? What happens in a Board room? Who should be on the Board?

6 Board composition Competent high calibre individuals offering a mix of OBJECTIVE Backgrounds Experiences Skills SKILLED BALANCED

7 The challenges... How many? What is their role/remit? How do they get there? How are they supported? What do they do?

8 Skills based assessment Open recruitment Appointment Terms of office Induction Development Review and renewal What do you need to think about?

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