2011 MBBS Honours Introduction and Overview Di Eley MBBS Research Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 MBBS Honours Introduction and Overview Di Eley MBBS Research Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 MBBS Honours Introduction and Overview Di Eley MBBS Research Coordinator

2 2011 MBBS Honours – Contacts A/Prof Di Eley MBBS Research Coordinator Skye To Phase 2 MBBS Administration Officer – Clinical Year 3 Alysha Johnson Administration Officer – Clinical Year 4 Belinda Marsden-Smedley MBBS Education Program Manager

3 PROTOCOL FOR OFFERS From the Handbook: ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (page 6) The minimum eligibility criterion for entry into the Honours program is a GPA of 6.5. Additionally students must have achieved satisfactory clinical performance in Year 2. **Students who are already engaged in a research project, under supervision of a SOM researcher, but who do not fulfil the eligibility criteria but may contact the MBBS Research Coordinator to discuss options.

4 WHAT IS REQUIRED (Handbook pg 9 &10) Four Assessment Tasks Oral presentation of your Project Plan Literature Review - MEDI 3009 Project Plan and Methodology Thesis All within an 18 month time frame alongside your full time MBBS Year 3 and 4 clinical rotations.

5 MISCELLANEOUS BITS Deadline for acceptance:11 February 2011 You do not have to have a project & advisor by then Ochsner students Ethics Statistical assistance: inc SPSS Timeline of Workshops all ppts will be emailed to everyone as many as possible will be recorded SOM Website Information: Link: ‘Research Options in the MBBS’

6 WHY DO HONOURS? IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS It’s HARD- your Honours assessment becomes part of your overall marks for Year 3 and Year 4 which determines your ‘Class of Honours’ Your SUPERVISOR – choose carefully Define the SCOPE of your project Decision between you and your Supervisor

7 IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS Be Strategic Choose a topic YOU are interested in and will build on your future career But don’t get carried away.........

8 THE BOTTOM LINE Honours is to prepare you to do a RHD - it is NOT a RHD Vital to discuss the ‘scope of your project’ with your supervisor BEFORE you map out your research We want to see a thesis that addresses every aspect of the Research Process Take a question/observation & turn it into a RQ/hypothesis, Present the relevant literature around your RQ Design a study that includes methodology to answer RQ Undertake methods to collect necessary data to analyse, Report your findings, Discuss your findings, and Make conclusions based on those findings. Most Important Demonstrate a solid understanding of the Research Process

9 Be Strategic Have a GOAL for your Honours  interested in research - career potential  want to eventually do an MPhil or PhD  want some research experience  aim for a publication!! So yes Think Big But not too big..........

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