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Research Protocols Dr. Craig Jackson Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology School of Health and Policy Studies Faculty of Health & Community Care University.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Protocols Dr. Craig Jackson Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology School of Health and Policy Studies Faculty of Health & Community Care University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Protocols Dr. Craig Jackson Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology School of Health and Policy Studies Faculty of Health & Community Care University of Central England

2 What a Protocol is Not Purely Statistical Mode of Entrapment Contractual Formerly Assessed Certification Guaranteed “shoe in”

3 Purpose Allows potential supervisors to evaluate research idea Needed to plan research Feasibility check RationalityScheduling Worthwhile the involvement of those concerned

4 Examine strengths Personal interests Past projects Discussions Search literature Ask staff Generating Ideas Creative thinking Delphi Exercise Relevance trees Previous work BrainstormingMUDs

5 Key Areas Titleconcise avoid journalistic style Introduction cite key references outline problem area bring reader up to speed Aim global aim of the project specific statement

6 Key Areas Objectives list each objective / target required to meet the aim bullet points Methodology design (cross-sectional or longitudinal or lab-based) measures / instruments used how is data collected, stored, prepared statistical analysis (optional) Time frame how long to complete schedule each task

7 Key Areas Relevant Experience previous research data / leg work Feasibility company approval union data holders Confounders awareness of possible shortfalls understanding of methodological issues

8 Key Areas Supervision requirements of student time - knowledge – contacts external supervision methodsResources computer & software external supervision statistical know-how Pilot study necessary to perfect methods?

9 IntroductionConciseReasons Issues / Controversies / Concerns Importance Demonstrate understanding Practical implications Essential references Convince reader of need

10 Aims & Objectives Logical progression ClearLinkedProgressiveAnswerableAim “To assess levels of noise exposure in fun pubs, among student employees, and investigate if Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) is associated with noise exposure” Objectives 1. Measure noise levels present in sample of fun pubs 2. Measure noise levels experienced by student employees 3. Measure hearing threshold before shift & after shift

11 Methodology - Strategy The criteria used to judge worthiness of the project “A good idea is a poor idea if poorly executed” Methods chosen and reasons why LocationPopulation Sample size- reasons Analyses - reasons Pilot surveys Ethical considerations

12 Methodology – Data Collection Sample selection likely response rate sample size attrition rates Inclusion / exclusion criteria exclusive vs inclusive Controlsnecessary?numbersselectionethics

13 Methodology – Data Collection Collection method questionnaireinterviewmeasurementobservationAnalyses between group comparisons within subjects comparisons e.g. exposed versus controls e.g. before exposure versus after exposure modeling e.g. Behaviour (Personality) + Hazard = Ill health

14 Proposal Evaluations Meet MSc requirements * Aim & Objectives clearly defined Do proposal components fit together Project viability * Topic issues linked to theory * Pre-conceived notions still present Access to data reasonable * Fresh insight on topic Skills, resources & support * Important & publishable

15 Suggested Schedule Protocol submission 30.01.04 Supervisor (s) assigned - 13.02.04 Preliminary site visits - Small scale literature review -1 month Finalize methodology - Data collection - 1-3 months Data cleaning and analysis -1 month Draft completed - 2 months Draft revised - 3 weeks Submission 29.08.04 Project Viva ##.09.04

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