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The Communication Cycle

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1 The Communication Cycle
The sender transmits the message. 2. The message is that which was sent.. The receiver: intercepts and translates 4. The feedback is the response.


3 The Sender Transmits the message “Types” Speaker - People – Think Animals Machines All speakers are senders of messages, but not all senders are speakers.

4 The Message That Which is Transmitted or Sent “Types” Verbal – words spoken or written Vocal – tone of voice or sounds we make Nonverbal – gestures, posture, facial expressions, and movement Symbols – objects representing abstract ideas

5 The Receiver Intercepts and translates the message “Types” Thinker – Person – Listener Animal Machine All Listeners are receivers, but not all receivers are listeners.

6 Listening is more than Hearing. - Types of Listeners
Passive Listener – They let the talker do all the work and allow for distractions. 2. Active Listener – They take attentive action to comprehend the message sent.

7 Types of Listening Appreciative listening – entertainment and relaxation. 2. Discriminative listening – single out one particular sound from a noisy environment. 3. Empathic listening – encourages people to talk freely without fear of embarrassment (sounding boards). 4. Critical listening – evaluate what is said as either a true fact, logical, worthwhile, or has value. 5. Deliberative – drawing a conclusion based on factual information (courtroom jury).

8 The Feedback The Response to the Message “Types” Positive Negative Mixed Neutral Delivery Methods: Verbal, Nonverbal, Vocal, and Symbols

9 Communication Barriers – Noise, Distractions, Interference
Attitudinal/Internal Barriers (within the mind): education, biases, attitudes, age, experiences, emotions, religion, family, cultural, social, and values. (Example: Stereotyping: Negative assumption of an entire group based on little or no information – Blondes are dumb.) 2. Environmental/External Barriers (outside the mind): physical condition and environment

10 Can Internal Barriers be Avoided?
FOCUS: Sender T – Think A – Articulate W – Watch Receiver A – Ask L – Learn R - Relate

11 Bad Habits Tuning out (MEGO) 2. Faking attention
3. Yielding to distractions – internal and/or external 4. Criticizing delivery or physical appearance 5. Jumping to conclusions 6. Overreacting to emotional words &/or content 7. Interrupting 8. Talking, talking, talking, talking, talking – oral diarrhea 9. Looking away from the speaker

12 If we spend 60% of every school day listening, why aren’t we learning more?
Remember only 25% of what we listen to. Don’t record important information to help retention. 3. Prepare ourselves better to listen. a. Sleep better b. Eat c. Organize d. Remain Focused

13 The Driving Question! How can and/or do we use this information in a practical sense in the real world? In a real world sense, knowing the cycle and the need to listen allows us to contribute to society in a responsible way.

14 Workshop Question Which of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment are the most important and why? Do you know what those Rights Are? Where does Communication Fit?

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