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Collect your work from the front table and your folder from the desk. Hole punch your work. On your initial ideas, circle, mark or label your favourite.

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Presentation on theme: "Collect your work from the front table and your folder from the desk. Hole punch your work. On your initial ideas, circle, mark or label your favourite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collect your work from the front table and your folder from the desk. Hole punch your work. On your initial ideas, circle, mark or label your favourite element from each design

2 Learning Objectives To be able to name the four production processes To explain how each production processes is used To complete your final design for your films logo

3 yhCXNMILY Complete your worksheet as the video plays!

4 Type of Production Method Numbers Made AdvantagesDisadvanta ges Cost of setting up the production process Cost of making individual item Examples 1Easy to set up Easy to Change Very Low Machines are expensive to buy and set up Medium 10,000+Cost of individual item is low Low ContinuousCannot change if demand falls

5 Type of Production Method Numbers Made AdvantagesDisadvanta ges Cost of setting up the production process Cost of making individual item Examples One off1Easy to set up Easy to Change Very high individual cost Very LowVery HighPaintings, sculptures Batch1-10,000Adaptable process of making so quite easy to change Machines are expensive to buy and set up Medium Books, perfume bottles Mass10,000+Cost of individual item is low Even more expensive than batch to set up HighLowCars ContinuousMillionsEasy to make the same item cheaply to a high standard Cannot change if demand falls Very HighVery lowPaper production, blank packaging such as cans

6 A Wedding Dress

7 Blank Paper

8 Dog Food

9 Cupcakes

10 White Sports Socks

11 Now, you will continue to work on your logos Using your initial ideas, complete your final design for your films logo Make sure you consider how it will be used in your poster – use your homework to see how other films in your genre do it You have 40 minutes to do this, so take your time. Take care with your lines and rendering Isometric and dotted underlays are available for you if you need them. Remember to annotate with WHY you have made each decision. Why have you chosen the typeface, that shape, those colours? How does it link to your synopsis? Use ACCESSFM

12 Success Criteria  An original idea – like nothing I’ve seen before!  It must reflect the genre of the film  It must appeal to target market  Reflect a plot point  Use an element of each initial idea Higher level  Part of it must be rendered (adding shade and texture)  A part of the logo drawn in 3D

13 Success Criteria  An original idea – like nothing I’ve seen before!  It must reflect the genre of the film  It must appeal to target market  Reflect a plot point  Use an element of each initial idea Higher level  Part of it must be rendered (adding shade and texture)  A part of the logo drawn in 3D Now swap with someone on the next table Under their design write Three things they’ve done well Two things they could improve Now, count up how many success criteria they’ve met –and give them a grade A*7D3 A6E2 B5F1 C4U0

14 Blank Can

15 Newspapers

16 Branded Packaging

17 Leaflets

18 Paintings

19 iPhones

20 Books

21 One off

22 when only one product is made at a time. Every product is different so it is labour intensive. Products may be made by hand or a combination of hand and machine methods.

23 Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production Batch Production

24 when a small quantity of identical products are made. Batch production may also be labour intensive, but jigs and templates are used to aid production. Batches of the product can be made as often as required. The machines can be easily changed to produce a batch of a different product.

25 Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production Mass Production

26 when hundreds of identical products are made, usually on a production line. Mass production often involves the assembly of a number of sub-assemblies of individual components. Parts may be bought from other companies. There is usually some automation of tasks (eg by using Computer Numerical Control machines) and this enables a smaller number of workers to output more products.

27 Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production Continuous Production

28 production is when many thousands of identical products are made. The difference between this and mass production is that the production line is kept running 24 hours a day, seven days a week to maximise production and eliminate the extra costs of starting and stopping the production process. The process is highly automated and few workers are required.

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