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Water Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Cycle

2 States of Matter Animation

3 Water on Earth Primarily salt water (97%) Freshwater (3%)
Mostly in icecaps & glaciers 1% = surface water Of that 1%, 87% can be found in lakes

4 Hydrologic Cycle Cycle- never destroyed  just changes form

5 Water Changes Phases Liquid to Solid- Freezing Solid to Liquid-
Liquid to Gas- Gas to Liquid- Solid to Gas- Liquid to Gas in Plants- Freezing Melting Evaporation Condensation Sublimation Transpiration

6 How can evaporation be increased or decreased?
Wind Temp Humidity

7 Transpiration

8 SUBLIMATION – Solid to gas
Sublimation Over Time

9 How is soil size related to infiltration?
Soil Types

10 Left- sod with almost 100% cover ( A LOT OF INFILTRATION)
Right- bare soil (very little infiltration)  too much runoff

11 Groundwater Video Know the zones, aquifer & water table

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