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Working in Teams Communication Support. Communicate Effectively To be a successful team, you need to be able to communicate well together How?

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Presentation on theme: "Working in Teams Communication Support. Communicate Effectively To be a successful team, you need to be able to communicate well together How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working in Teams Communication Support

2 Communicate Effectively To be a successful team, you need to be able to communicate well together How?

3 Answer Listen Speak clearly Provide accurate information Put your ideas in a logical order Give constructive criticism Co-operate Use appropriate tone and body language Be aware of barriers to communication

4 Barriers to Communication Bad day Noise Language Time of day

5 Scenarios - Answers 1.Ask the author / Tell your team so they know you’re not sure. 2.Let them know. 3.Don’t humiliate or embarrass. Be constructive. Be tactful without being hurtful. e.g. “Have you considered…” / “Do you think…?”

6 Scenarios - Answers 4. Discuss ideas. Don’t dismiss what people say. Sometimes agree that you are wrong. Accept with good humour. 5. Politely explain at an appropriate time. 6. No. Use clear, tactful language. Don’t give your opinion unless asked.

7 Scenarios - Answers 7. Prepare. Don’t lie, but leave out hurtful details. Be positive & constructive. 8. Become an ‘active listener’. Comment on what you hear. Add to the conversation. 9. Hold up work. Can cause problems. In future make sure info is passed on ASAP – notes can help.

8 Team Support Support and respect Offer help Co-operate Fulfil your commitments Report on work

9 Team Support - Answers 1.Choose the best person for the job. 2.Giving a few minutes of your time can save hours later. Offer support in small ways. Don’t wait to be asked. Be tactful in how you ask. E.g. “I’ve got a few minutes to spare – is there anything I can do?” 3.Listen, help, support, share, inform, remember you are a team.

10 Team Support - Answers 4. Let down. This could affect the whole team. 5. No. You need to meet on a regular basis - problems can be solved & progress is reported

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