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© 2015 Irregular Verbs GRAMMAR TOPIC.

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1 © 2015 Irregular Verbs GRAMMAR TOPIC

2 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Irregular verbs  Irregular Verbs form their past tense and past participle tense in an unpredictable manner.  Example : See We saw the gifts. We have seen the gifts.

3 © 2015 Irregular Verbs PresentPastPast Participle Arisearosearisen Dodiddone Beginbeganbegun Breakbrokebroken Buybought Choosechosechosen Givegavegiven Comecamecome Leaveleft Thinkthought Drivedrovedriven Word List

4 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Exercise – Complete each sentence by filling in the correct form of verb given in the manner. 1. I _____ all my homework. ( finish ) 2. The queen ______ of a better way to do it.( think ) 3. He _____ me his book.(give) 4. She ____ the cake from the bakery.(bring) 5. Sam’s new car ____ down (break)

5 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Change the word in the bracket to the past participle form. 1. I have never _______ such a wonderful car.( drive) 2. I have _______ the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant.(choose) 3. I have _______ my cleaning.(do) 4. He has ________ all the glasses.(broke) 5. David has _______ the house late. (leave)

6 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Which of these verbs are irregular?  Play  Fall  Become  Dance  Sing  Breathe  Phone  Answer  Bring  Check  Choose  Count  Eat

7 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Spot the irregular verb!  Her dad taught her the electric guitar.  She made herself a coat and a hat.  He told me about his trip to New Zealand.  He built a puppet theatre for his children.  They went for a picnic.

8 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Make Sentences  Spoke  Wake  Dreamt  Begun  Hurt  Met  Stolen

9 © 2015 Irregular Verbs Reviewed By Reviewed On Comments / Changes Made Mayuri18.09.2015Formatted the 5 th slide

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