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APOLLO 11 “One giant leap for mankind.”

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Presentation on theme: "APOLLO 11 “One giant leap for mankind.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 APOLLO 11 “One giant leap for mankind.”
How was the trip to the moon with Apollo 11? An astronaut on the moon surface. Apollo 11 symbol

2 First step…… Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first 2 people to step on the moon. They were on the moon to look at the surface of the moon. The first step on the moon.

3 JFK’s goal John F. Kennedy had a goal to get people on the moon before the end on the 1960’s and his goal was achieved on July 20, 1969.

4 Launch and Landing Apollo 11 took off at the Kennedy Space Station.
Apollo 11 landed on the moon July 24, 1969 at 12:50 p.m. Apollo11 launching

5 The main crew Neil Armstrong was the commander from Wapakoneta, Ohio
Michael Collins was the Command Module Pilot from Rome, Italy Edwin Aldrin Jr was the Lunar Module Pilot from Montclair, New Jersey Left to right: Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin

6 The Main Reason The reason the NASA Space Program wanted to go to the moon is because they wanted to discover new land on the moon. And to get the first people on the moon. The moon

7 Backup Crew James A Lovell was the backup commander of the Apollo 11 mission. Fred W Haise Jr was the backup Lunar Module. William A Anders wans the Command Module Pilot. Apollo 11 backup crew

8 Time spent on the moon Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours and 36 minuets on the moons surface looking for new discoveries in space.


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