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By: James Fisher.  Abolitionism- Movement to end slavery.  Abolition Movement- The social movement to end slavery.( Leaders Truth, Fredrick Douglas,

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Presentation on theme: "By: James Fisher.  Abolitionism- Movement to end slavery.  Abolition Movement- The social movement to end slavery.( Leaders Truth, Fredrick Douglas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: James Fisher

2  Abolitionism- Movement to end slavery.  Abolition Movement- The social movement to end slavery.( Leaders Truth, Fredrick Douglas, sojourn Truth, Fredrick Douglas, sojourner William L. Garrison.)

3  Blockade- When goods are prevented from going into or out of an area.  Boycott- A refusal to buy certain goods.

4  Confederation- United in a league, alliance, or conspiracy.  Carta, Magna- Limited the power of the kingi guaranteed to ratify the constitution till the Bill of rights was added.

5  Dorothea Dix- Reformer who fought to improve the care of the mentally ill.  Deere, John- Inventor of the steel plow.

6  Eli Whitney- Invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts.  Era Colonial- trade and travel occurred along nears.

7  Fugitive slave Act- Act that helped slave Owens recover their runaway slaves from the north.( part of compromise of 1850)  Fort Sumter- First shots of the Civil War.

8  Gadsden Purchase (1853)- land purchase from Mexico is used to complete the transcontinental railroad.  Great, 2 nd Awakening- A period of religious revivalism in the 1800 at focused on reform and repairing moral injustices.

9  Harriet Tubman- Former slave and conductor of underground railroad.  Horace Mann- Father of public Education, be lived all children had the right to free education.

10  Individual Rights- the first 10 amendments of the constitution protect individuals rights against the power of the governments.  Important Leaders- Federalist, John Adams,  Alexander Hamilton.

11  John Brown- militant Abolitionist who led raid at Harper’s ferry.  John C. Calhoun- Vice president of U.S. created a doctrine of nullification which said that a state could decide if a law was constitutional.

12  King George 111-king of England during the American Revolution.  Kansas Nebraska Act- All were examples of the government compromises that actually spread slavery further in the country.

13  Lexington and concord- First battles of the Revolution.  Limited Government- Placed strict limits on government to protect the people.

14  Mercantilism- Economic system in which England controlled trade of the colonies.  Madsion, James-”Father of the the constitution” one of Three “ Federalist papers”, author of the “ Bill of Rights”,  ‘

15  New Jersey Plan- The New Jersey Plan, the number of representatives would be the same for each state.  Nullification Compromise- Henry Clay’s compromise to end the nullification crisis when the tariff would be lowered over a loyear period.

16  Ordinance, Northwest- established government for the North west Territory and described how a territory becomes a state.  Ogden V. Gibbons- Said that federal government had the power to regulate trade between states.

17  Peter, John Zenger- Journalist; his trial helped establish Idea of freedom of the press.  Party Federalist- Believe in strong national government higher tariffs; government support of industry.

18  Quincy, John Adams-6 th president, member of congress and favored strong nationalism against states rights and opposed the pro slavery message of john C. Calhoun.  Qluebec- The capitally of New France.

19  Republicanism- Government in which the desires of people are represented in government by elected representative.  Rights, Women- This movement sought the equal treatment of women, including the right to vote.

20  Secede- To leave or withdraw.  Secession- withdraw from the Union.

21  Tariff- a tax on imports or exports.  Temperance- the use of litter or no alcoholie drink.

22  Unalienable rights- a right that cannot be surrendered.

23  Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands.

24  Washington, George- 1 st President encouraged no political parties and isolationism.

25  Yankee- Union soldier

26  Xyf- John Adams

27  Zenger, John Peter- Journalist, his trail helped establish idea of freedom of 2 the press.

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