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Ch 14 Review Use your whiteboard to answer the following questions about the causes of the Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 14 Review Use your whiteboard to answer the following questions about the causes of the Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 14 Review Use your whiteboard to answer the following questions about the causes of the Civil War

2 Topics for Review Missouri Compromise Wilmot Proviso Uncle Tom’s Cabin Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas Caning of Charles Sumner Dred Scott Case Growth of the Republican Party John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry State Power vs. Federal Power Economies of the North and the South Election of 1860 Underground Railroad and the Abolitionists Non-slave vs. Slave proponents

3 Question: This act said that slavery was banned North of the Southern border of Missouri.

4 Answer: The Missouri Compromise

5 Question: This presidential election made the South think that Republicans would end slavery throughout the United States. Who became president?

6 Answer: The Election of 1860 Abe Lincoln

7 Question: This Supreme Court case decided that African Americans did not have the right to sue in federal court because they were property and that property could be taken into free territory.

8 Answer: Dred Scott case

9 Question: This man was attacked with a cane on the Senate floor because of his anti-slavery views.

10 Answer: Charles Sumner

11 Question: This book angered many people living in the North as it demonstrated the feelings of African Americans living in slavery.

12 Answer: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

13 Question: This act declared that popular sovereignty would be used to decide the issue of slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska.

14 Answer: The Kansas - Nebraska Act

15 Question: This political party wanted to stop the spread of slavery in the west. They formed in 1854.

16 Answer: The Republican party

17 Question: This term was used to describe the state where pro slavery and anti slavery forces clashed. Some people, including a sheriff, were killed in the process.

18 Answer: Bleeding Kansas

19 Question: Slaves ran away from the plantations and often used this system to escape to freedom.

20 Answer: The Underground Railroad

21 Question: What was the term for people who spoke out against the institution of slavery? Name one.

22 Answer: Abolitionists – Fredrick Douglass – Harriet Tubman – Sojourner Truth – Elijah Lovejoy – William Lloyd Garrison

23 Question: This attack on a U.S. Army weapons arsenal failed and the leader was hanged for treason against the state of Virginia.

24 Answer: John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry

25 Question: This piece of legislation suggested that all land gained from the Mexican Cession would automatically ban slavery. (No vote would be taken)

26 Answer: The Wilmot Proviso

27 Question: This act stated: California- entered Union as a free state New Mexico & Utah Territories-popular sovereignty Washington D.C.-slave trade abolished, slavery allowed Stronger Fugitive Laws in the North-return slaves to the South New Mexico-Texas Border- favor of New Mexico

28 Answer: The Compromise of 1850

29 Question: This cause of the war developed over which level of government should hold the most power. (The answer included a “vs.”)

30 Answer: State power vs. Federal power

31 Question: These issues helped cause the Civil War because each region had it’s own financial goals and needs.

32 Answer: Economies of the North and the South Tariffs of 1828 and 1832

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