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Presentation on theme: "USING VISUALS Enhancing Speeches. VISUALS ARE FOR YOUR AUDIENCE "— Presentation transcript:

1 USING VISUALS Enhancing Speeches


3 KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER:              

4 USING VISUALS: THE SPEECH  Autonomously or with a partner, you will create a speech that informs your audience about a specific topic.  Your goal is to …  1. THOROUGHLY inform your audience about your topic.  2. EFFECTIVELY use at least three visuals in this speech.  Visuals may include: Pictures Short videos Charts Maps Props Demonstrations

5 CONTENT:  Going Solo? Your speech should be 3-5 minutes.  With a Partner? Your speech should be 5-7 minutes.  First, make sure your topic is specific and focused enough to allow you to delve deep, but also lends itself to the time frame above.  Next, make sure this is a topic that you can logically research at school.  Gather 5 sources. We will evaluate them for credibility. Every source you use will need to be sited in the presentation and proved credible.

6 RUBRIC:  24 Points Possible:  7 points—effective use of at least FIVE visuals, applying what we learned in the video and in class.  7 points—content is credible, sited, and focused on engaging your audience with information they do not know.  5 points—content is well organized. Starts with an attention grabber and clearly wraps up at the end.  5 points—delivery is confident and smooth, no reading to the audience.

7 IDEAS:  How a touch screen works  The functions of the brain  The history of the slinky  What you need to know to be a Whovian  How to fake a French accent  Three modes of transportation to take between here and Florida.  Top three products in various hunting gear categories  How to read your palm  The basics of how to get by with sign language  How to throw a pot.  How to record a song.  Acting 101

8 OUR TIMELINE:  Today: Turn in notecard with topic proposal, start finding information and visuals.  Tomorrow: Work time, put together presentations.  Monday: Finish organizing presentations. Practice delivery, not attached to notecards.  Tuesday: Presentations  Wednesday: Remaining Presentations

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