Duncanson Dock News Computer and I pads Last Friday, in computer class the children worked on a program called Starfall. Yesterday, Mr. Teelin, the computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Duncanson Dock News Computer and I pads Last Friday, in computer class the children worked on a program called Starfall. Yesterday, Mr. Teelin, the computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duncanson Dock News Computer and I pads Last Friday, in computer class the children worked on a program called Starfall. Yesterday, Mr. Teelin, the computer resource teacher, came into our class to teach us how to use our Ipads. We have 6 Ipads in our classroom that we will use through out the year. These Ipads will be used to listen to stories, reinforce and learn reading and math skills. The children played an ABC game on the Ipads called ABC Ninja. Super Kid of the Day Our Super Kids this week were: Laurah, Benny, Grace, Caleb and Matthew. Character Education The Wise Choice for October is Responsibility. We are choosing to be responsible. We also are continuing to read books about making good choices, and being kind to one another. Author of the Month The author of the month for October is Bill Martin Jr. Bill Martin has written and illustrated many books. I am sure you are familiar with some of the titles such as: Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? We will continue to read Bill Martin books throughout October. Parent/Teacher Conferences Please Sign up for a parent conference on Sign Up Genius. Please let me know if you need me to send you the link for Sign Up Genius.

2 Coloring Sometimes your child may bring home some center work that he/she did not finish coloring. We try to finish most things in school, but sometimes we run out of time. If your child chooses, he/she may finish coloring these activities at home. This would be good coloring practice. Your child does not need to return this work to school. Center Time We are getting into a good routine for centers. This week, we worked on a ABC book, writing in our journals, nursery rhymes and sorting letters. Next week, I will begin working with the children in small groups. At my center, we will be learning concepts about print (front of book, back of book, title, title page, illustrations, reading from left to right). We also will be doing some letter and word work with magnetic letters. Things to Practice: Here are a few things that your child can practice at home: Writing their name Letter work- Saying the letter names, sounds. Playing letter games. In the handbook I sent home on visitation night, there were many ideas of what to do with magnetic letters. Zipping, snapping, buttoning shirts and coats Saying the days of the week Coloring Important Dates Oct. 4- Festival of Races Oct 8- Fire Dept. Visits- Wear red Oct 9- No School- Staff Development Oct. 12-No School- Columbus Day Oct. 19-23- Scholastic Book Fair- There will be a book fair set up in the main foyer of the school. There will be designated times you may come and shop for books. Oct. 23- Parent Visitation Day: 8:15-9- Book fair- At this time, you may shop for books. 9:15-10- Join us in the classroom to see all of the great things your child is doing Oct. 29- Pumpkin Day- wear orange Oct. 30- Halloween Parade at 2:30- All family members are welcome to watch the parade. Classroom Volunteer One of my dear friends, Martha Miller, who is a parent of 6 children ( 3 in college) is volunteering in our classroom 3 days a week. Her children went to Fayetteville Elementary and she still volunteers there. I asked her this summer if she would come into my classroom to volunteer and she said yes. She is helping out at centers on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is an asset to our classroom. Room Mothers Our Room Mothers are Jennifer Vanvalkenburg (Cayleigh’s mom) and Laura Kirkpatrick (Jacob’s mom). Attached you will find a letter about volunteering in our classroom. Please check off the activites you may be available to volunteer for this year. Please return the sheet by October 8. Thank you!

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