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The War Expands.  Bitter over losing colonies in the French & Indian War  Wanted revenge by helping the Patriots win independence  Waited for the Patriots.

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Presentation on theme: "The War Expands.  Bitter over losing colonies in the French & Indian War  Wanted revenge by helping the Patriots win independence  Waited for the Patriots."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War Expands

2  Bitter over losing colonies in the French & Indian War  Wanted revenge by helping the Patriots win independence  Waited for the Patriots to prove themselves before making an alliance  1778 France joins the war  Supply troops, funds, and supplies

3  1779 Spain joins the Patriots  Rival with Britain  Captured the British strongholds in the South  Kept the British busy  Spread British troops and supplies thin

4  19 year old French volunteer in Washington’s army  Very close to Washington

5  Trained the Continental Army to move in straight lines & columns & how to handle weapons  Also taught them how to charge with bayonets – long steel knives attached to the ends of guns.

6  Washington camped at this location  Continental Army had very few supplies and many had no shoes  Soldiers left tracks of blood in the snow as they marched  25% died from malnutrition, exposure to the cold, and sickness


8  1777 British attack the Western Frontier  1777 100 British warships appear off of the American coast  Controlled the Atlantic trade routes

9  Individual who privately owns a ship  Government gives them permission in wartime to attack enemy merchant ships  Sell the cargo and share the money  American privateers were attacking the British ships  Could control trade routes and support Patriot cause


11  14 years old  Son of a free African American sail maker  Captured by the British  Offered free passage to Britain  Refused to betray his country  Imprisoned until the end of the war  Released, and walked barefoot from New York to Philadelphia  Famous for efforts to end slavery in the United States


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