Positive Behavior Support at the Classroom Level Patty Parnell, PBS Initiative Statewide Trainer 541-812-2657.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Support at the Classroom Level Patty Parnell, PBS Initiative Statewide Trainer 541-812-2657."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Support at the Classroom Level Patty Parnell, PBS Initiative Statewide Trainer Patty.Parnell@lblesd.k12.or.us 541-812-2657

2 Positive Behavior Supports:  Increases academic outcomes and  Decreases behavioral issues… How? That’s our conversation today!

3 Classroom Structure Effective Instruction Behavior Management So, What is Classroom Management?

4 Academic Learning Time: Typical School 1170 School Year (6.5 hours x 180 days) 1170 School Year (6.5 hours x 180 days) - 65 Absenteeism (1 day/month x 10 months) - 65 Absenteeism (1 day/month x 10 months) = 1105 Attendance Time (Time in School) - 270 Non-instructional time (1.5 hrs./day for recess, lunch, etc) = 835 Allocated Time (Time scheduled for teaching) - 209 (25% of allocated time for administration, transition, discipline-15 minutes/hour) = 626 Instructional time (time actually teaching) - 157 Time off task (Engaged 75% of time) = 469 Engaged Time (On task) - 94 Unsuccessful Engaged Time (Success Rate 80%) = 375 Academic Learning Time Education Resources Inc., 2005 Efficiency Rating = 32%

5 Critical features of PBS…  Expectations are defined, taught, monitored, reinforced and/or corrected  Positives are used to shape/maintain behavior  Consistent correction system is developed  Intervention decisions are based on data and Graduated interventions/protocols are identified at each level Graduated interventions/protocols are identified at each level

6 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% 3-Tiered Prevention Logic

7 Classroom Expectations ( Schedule, Teach, Practice, Reinforce) Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible ~ In your seat, ready to learn ~~ ~ Quiet voices ~ Hands to self ~~ ~ Assignments are done on time ~~ What you want, teach!!

8 Classroom Routines Matrix Routine What do you expect? What is the signal? How will you teach it?

9 The Use of Positives…  To create warm inviting relationships  To initiate new behaviors  To pay attention and therefore, fortify, the behaviors we want more of…

10 Correction System  Consistent & predictable!!  Continuum of best-practice options are developed & available including: ~ Identifies Classroom vs Office managed ~ When/where to enlist parental involvement ~ etc. A Correction System is not about punishment… it is about…? A Correction System is not about punishment… it is about…?

11 Punishment works if…  … the punishing agent is available  … you can continue to up the antie  … you can carry out the threat  … and it takes relationship coin!! “Punishment doesn’t work when most everything in someone’s life is already punishing. Go figure.” Jeff Sprague

12 “ We take data so our decisions aren’t based on our last worst day… !! George Sugai “ We take data so our decisions aren’t based on our last worst day… !! George Sugai And lastly: DDDM

13 Rosenthal studies : the power of a self-fulfilling prophecy… Rosenthal studies : the power of a self-fulfilling prophecy…  A group of intellectually average students  Teachers were told the students were higher than average intelligence  Results? Amazing!

14 Why is data important?  To accurately measure progress  To inform our interventions/next steps also…  Decisions based on data are more likely to be implemented – collective agreement  Provide for professional accountability


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