How to use eMarketing and Social CRM, and why should it matter to your business. Ocean Helberg.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use eMarketing and Social CRM, and why should it matter to your business. Ocean Helberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use eMarketing and Social CRM, and why should it matter to your business. Ocean Helberg

2 Agenda Part 1. How to use eMarketing What is eMarketing, what does it entail? Benefits of using eMarketing. eMarketing options for Sage CRM. Difference between options – features and pricing. Best practices. Part 2. Social CRM & why should it matter to your business The differences between CRM and Social CRM. Reasons to consider implementing Social CRM. Social CRM integration for Sage CRM. Social CRM implementation strategy. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Today’s customers are more empowered and connected than ever before. Brands need to respond to comments and queries.

3 What is eMarketing, what does it entail? Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Marketing in any medium is really a contest for peoples attention. Are you winning the contest? eMarketing is combination of traditional marketing principles and the use of modern communication technologies. May also be referred to as Digital Marketing, Online Marketing or Internet Marketing. eMarketing activities include: Newsletters Social Media Search engine Optimization Mobile Video Content Email Analytics

4 Benefits of using eMarketing Inexpensive 24/7 access Fast implementation Immediate results Analytics Provides flexibility Increase website traffic Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon The best marketing, shouldn’t feel like marketing. Drive sales Encourage brand loyalty Ease of use Range Keeping people informed Specific targeting

5 Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Social media is about sociology and psychology more then technology eMarketing options for Sage CRM

6 Difference between options: Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it. vs Swiftpage does not offer a free plan, however they do offer a trial which is valid for 60 days. The trial provides 50 emails per day and all the features offered in the Team plan plus Platinum Drip Marketing functionality. Up to 2,000 subscribers Up to 12,000 emails per month Unlimited users Features not included: ✗ Autoresponders ✗ Spam filter diagnostics ✗ Delivery by time zone ✗ Inbox inspection (not included but available at $3 per report). Free

7 Difference between options: features and pricing Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon People want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched Amount of emails Landing pages No. of users Call lists Call list assignments Scheduled send Send as

8 Difference between options: features and pricing Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon If you content isn’t driving conversation, you’re doing it wrong. FeaturesForever freeMonthly & Pro Pay as you Go A/B Testing ✓ ✓ ✓ Comparative Reports ✗ ✗ ✓ Multivariate Testing ✗ ✗ ✓ Reports ✓ ✓ ✓ Email Beamer ✓ ✓ ✓ Email Designer ✓ ✓ ✓ Email Templates ✓ ✓ ✓ Integrations ✓ ✓ ✓ Merge Tags ✓ ✓ ✓ Multi-User Accounts ✓ ✓ ✓ Automation ✗ ✓ ✓ Email Delivery ✓ ✓ ✓ Geolocation ✓ ✓ ✓ Email Client TestingADD ON ✓ ADD ON 0.,,

9 Difference between options: features and pricing Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it. FeaturesForever freeMonthly & Pro Pay as you Go RSS to Email ✓ ✓ ✓ Delivery by time Zone ✗ ✓ ✓ Advanced segmentation ✗ ✗ ✓ Custom forms ✓ ✓ ✓ Segmentation & Groups ✓ ✓ ✓ Subscriber Profiles ✓ ✓ ✓ MailChimp Editor ✓ ✓ ✓ MailChimp Mobile ✓ ✓ ✓ MailChimp Snap ✓ ✓ ✓ MailChimp Subscribe ✓ ✓ ✓ SMS for Events ✓ ✓ ✓ Campaign Archives ✓ ✓ ✓ Social Profiles ✗ ADD ON ADD ON Social Sharing ✓ ✓ ✓ Knowledge Base ✓ ✓ ✓ Chat and Email Support ✗ ✓ ✓

10 Best Time to Send Emails: Thursday 8 – 9 am Worst Time to Send Emails: Tuesday & Wednesday 8 – 10 am Tips and tricks…. Perfect timing, what is the best time to send email newsletters? Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Social Media puts the “public” into PR and the ‘market” into marketing. Daytime vs. night-time. Weekends. Fan Favorites Are your messages mobile friendly? Mad Mondays. Give a heads Up for An Event. Mid week, Mid Day.

11 Already using eMarketing? Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Traditional marketing talks at people, social marketing talks with them Comply with the law Watch out for spam filters Design for readability Include a call for action Do you have a standout subject line? Are you sending too many emails? Are your messages mobile friendly?

12 Part 2 Social CRM & why should it matter to your business.

13 Social CRM The statistics More than 1.5 billion people use social networks, an increase of 57% from 2011 (Gartner) Facebook has 1.23 billion monthly active users (TNW) An average Facebook user has 338 friends (Pew Research Centre) LinkedIn has 300 million members in 200 countries (All Twitter) Every second, two new members join LinkedIn (All Twitter) 53% of people on Twitter mention products and/or services in their tweets (Qualman) Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Socially devoted brands have growth rates that support their social activities 34% of marketers have generated leads on Twitter (HuffingtonPost) 31% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchasing decision

14 The differences between CRM & Social CRM Traditional CRM Linear approach in managing a customer. No real collaborative relationship. Manages customers based on data and info. collected over a period of time. CRM is an inside out approach. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.

15 The differences between CRM & Social CRM Social CRM PR is now part of social CRM. The customer is now also part of Social CRM. Traditional CRM is by no means replaced but rather enhanced. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.

16 Reasons to consider implementing Social CRM Better online exposure Showcase your brand Hear what prospects, customers and competitors are saying Lead generation Attract new customers Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Social media isn’t a fad, it is a fundamental shift in the way we do ………. everything

17 Reasons to consider implementing Social CRM Contacting your prospective customers with a personal touch. Build relationships. Reinforce positive behavior & loyalty through rewards. Achieve a higher ranking, the more active you are the more searchable you become. Powerful and at the same time very affordable. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Socially devoted brands have growth rates that support their social activities

18 Social CRM options for Sage CRM View company or person Facebook details on the Person & Company screens. Gain valuable insight into the company or contact, their likes, who they are following etc. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon What happens in Vegas stays……..on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube

19 Social CRM options for Sage CRM Provides Twitter tabs within CRM, Company, Person and Campaign views Ability to check your tweets, reply and update your status from within CRM Search Twitter and save searches against companies, people, campaigns and the My Twitter tab. Save Tweets from customers as notes against their records Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon More than 50% of social media users prefer to interact with customer service online.

20 Social CRM options for Sage CRM Business collaboration for individual users and teams. Collaborate with Yammer groups. Yammer feed in My CRM work area. Collaborate across records using Yammer topics. Yammer feed will be available for companies. Facilitate peer-to-peer learning through quick and easy collaboration Monitor changes taking place across opportunities in the sales pipeline Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon 67% of all mobile internet traffic is social media, imagine what port of that is used to express bad customer experiences

21 Social CRM options for Sage CRM Build a professional network of possible customers & partners. Post updates for thee user’s company from within CRM. Identify prospects or generate leads through a Linkedin search. Search for a contacts LinkedIn profile directly from the Sage CRM interactive dashboard. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon Don’t deliver a product. Deliver an experience

22 Social Media Implementation Strategy Determine your objective. Find an internal evangelist. Consider your employees. Check your tech. ALWAYS listen first. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Create conversations Segment your data

23 Examples of well known brands using Social Media

24 Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon

25 Examples of well known brands using Social Media

26 Summary Think about the data processes in your company and how you can improve them with the use of Social Media and e-marketing. Gain and utilize valuable knowledge through customer insight. Be responsive to questions, concerns and comments. Promote your business, through engagement. Use collaboration tools that your competitors are already taking advantage of. Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon

27 Social CRM eBook Overview Blog post 1: What is Social CRM? Blog post 2: Five simple tips for businesses who want to get started on social media (part one) Blog post 3: Five simple tips for businesses who want to get started on social media (part two) SlideShare: How To Implement social CRM and learn from your customers eBook: Making every customer conversation count: A practical guide to social CRM for small and medium sized companies Sage Business Partner Conference 2016 @SageGroupZA | #SageBPCon

28 © 2016, The Sage Group plc. Thank you

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