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1-Sep-11 | 1 Yorieke Deen Study advisor Faculty of Economics and Business Welcome! (Pre-)Masterstudents and Double Degree students 1 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1-Sep-11 | 1 Yorieke Deen Study advisor Faculty of Economics and Business Welcome! (Pre-)Masterstudents and Double Degree students 1 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-Sep-11 | 1 Yorieke Deen Study advisor Faculty of Economics and Business Welcome! (Pre-)Masterstudents and Double Degree students 1 September 2011

2 1-Sep-11 | 2 Welcome! 16.00-18.00 h. Introduction all degree programmes: New Pre-master students New Master students New Fudan/Indonesia Double Degree students 16.00-17.00h.:Welcome: faculty dean Educational information: Yorieke Deen, study advisor EBF presentation: Eva Kool, chair of EBF 17.00-18.00 h.: Degree programme information: educational director/ co-ordinator

3 1-Sep-11 | 3 Educational information ›Student life ›Managing your own academic career ›Rules ›Guidance during your studies ›What is next? ›Questions: later today

4 1-Sep-11 | 4 Student life ›New stage in your life New city New country New continent

5 1-Sep-11 | 5 Student life: keep in mind… ›Big differences with prior education Self studying Planning Theory Academic skills

6 1-Sep-11 | 6 Managing your own academic career ›Being FAST: F uture orientation A sking for help/advice/information S tudy results monitoring T racking down information on rules, schedules, courses, deadlines etc.

7 1-Sep-11 | 7 Managing your own academic career ›Educational system: 2 semesters with each 2 halfsemesters Compulsory courses Read course manuals for course rules Final exam at the end of the course Resits: next halfsemester ECTS (EC) system: 1 EC = 28 hours of studying (incl lectures, tutorials etc) From September lectures start at the top of the hour (e.g. 9.00 h. sharp, 11.00 h. sharp)

8 1-Sep-11 | 8 Managing your own academic career ›Please find all information on-line: Nestor Progress Ocasys Student webmail Website

9 1-Sep-11 | 9 Nestor ›Hot Links, News, Announcements, DEADLINES, course information, schedules etc Hot links  Info new students Schedules 

10 1-Sep-11 | 10 Progress ›Study results, course/exam registration. Enrol before 11 September! Choose Faculty,course or exam enrollment, your degree programme 

11 1-Sep-11 | 11 ›Enrolment for courses and exams is compulsory. No enrolment= no participation › Deadline 1 week before start courses/exams › Lectures start 5 September, enrol a.s.a.p ›No student number: what to do? Enrolment

12 1-Sep-11 | 12 Ocasys, the online course database Click your programme via Show programmes by Faculty 

13 1-Sep-11 | 13 Student webmail ›Each student has an email address that ends on ›Please read your student mail daily! ›Possibility to forward your student mail to your private email (e.g. gmail or hotmail) address. ›The Webmail can be accessed using Nestor or the website:

14 1-Sep-11 | 14 Website The “information for students” webpage: Information for students 

15 1-Sep-11 | 15 Rules ›All rules: Student handbook OER ›Via Nestor: Hot Links ›Via website Information for students

16 1-Sep-11 | 16 Rules Only for students participating in the standard pre-MSc track: ›Continue – Master: obtained all 60 EC ›Continue - pre-MSc: if you have ≥50 – 59 ≤ EC your pre-MSc can be prelonged with the maximum of one year. ›Entrance in Master is possible in September and February after completion of the pre-master ›Quit: if you have < 50 EC after one year

17 1-Sep-11 | 17 For Master students: ›≥ 20 EC of mastercourses (if applicable: incl. finished Bachelor’s degree programme or pre- programme to start with master’s thesis) ›Please note all rules in Student handbook and OER Rules

18 1-Sep-11 | 18 Rules/Reminders ›Plagiarism Copying (a part of) a text or ideas from another student or other author without explicit reference is not allowed. Always name your source Suspension ›Fraud Avoid cheating Suspension ›Enrolment Please enrol for courses and exams. No enrolment = no participation

19 1-Sep-11 | 19 Guidance during your studying career ›Study advisors Personal circumstances: Report immediately Disabilities? ›Student Support ›International Service Desk ›Admissions office ›Do not hesitate to ask!

20 1-Sep-11 | 20 Invitation FEB opening academic year: Thursday 8 September / Kapteynborg (building J) / 15.30 h.

21 1-Sep-11 | 21 What is next today? ›Degree programme information ›Possibility to take a self guided tour ›Use hand-out and floor plan

22 1-Sep-11 | 22 Who goes where? ›Find your degree programme and look at the number behind it: the number= building and room ›Example: 5411.0620 = building number 5411, 6 th floor, room 20

23 Who goes where? Pre-master students IB&M, IE&B, Finance, Marketing, HRM, Supply Chain Man and the 4 pre-master tracks of Business Administration stay here Research master students, Fiscale Economie students and Business Development master students: your programme ends now, there is no degree specific information today Fiscale Economie students can e-mail the coordinator for further information: All other students: ›Walk with the students with the signs with building numbers/rooms: ›Rooms in building 5411 ›Rooms in building 5419 ›Blauwe Zaal 1-Sep-11 | 23

24 1-Sep-11 | 24 Good luck with your studies!

25 1-Sep-11 | 25 Thank you for your attention

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