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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MUSCLE ACTIONS FINAL ROUND $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS BONE LANDMARKS and ARTICULATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MUSCLE ACTIONS FINAL ROUND $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS BONE LANDMARKS and ARTICULATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MUSCLE ACTIONS FINAL ROUND $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS BONE LANDMARKS and ARTICULATIONS EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS BIO- MECHANICS NERVES and ARTERIES O&P Board Review Game

2 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS 100 Question The main supinator of the forearm is the a. Flexor carpi radialis b. Pronator quadrates c. Extensor carpi radialis d. Biceps brachii ANSWER

3 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $100 Answer The main supinator of the forearm is the a. Flexor carpi radialis b. Pronator quadrates c. Extensor carpi radialis d. Biceps brachii

4 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Question The main flexor of the hip joint is the: a) Rectus femoris b) Tensor fascia latae c) Sartorius d) Iliopsoas ANSWER

5 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Answer The main flexor of the hip joint is the: a) Rectus femoris b) Tensor fascia latae c) Sartorius d) Iliopsoas

6 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Question Inversion of the foot is accomplished primarily by the a. Peroneal muscles b. FDL c. Tibialis anterior and posterior d. Gastroc-soleus complex ANSWER

7 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Answer Inversion of the foot is accomplished primarily by the a. Peroneal muscles b. FDL c. Tibialis anterior and posterior d. Gastroc-soleus complex

8 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Question The biceps brachii muscle creates what motion? a. Elbow extension b. Glenohumeral extension c. Forearm pronation d. Elbow flexion ANSWER

9 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Answer The biceps brachii muscle creates what motion? a. Elbow extension b. Glenohumeral extension c. Forearm pronation d. Elbow flexion

10 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Question Elevation of the scapula is accomplished by which muscle? a. Trapezius b. Pectoralis minor c. Supraspinatus d. Latissimus dorsi ANSWER

11 BACK TO GAME MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Answer Elevation of the scapula is accomplished by which muscle? a. Trapezius b. Pectoralis minor c. Supraspinatus d. Latissimus dorsi

12 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $100 Question The most prominent and highest point of the shoulder girdle is the? a. Acromium b. Coracoid process c. Spine of the scapula d. Superior angle of the scapula ANSWER

13 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $100 Answer The most prominent and highest point of the shoulder girdle is the? a. Acromium b. Coracoid process c. Spine of the scapula d. Superior angle of the scapula

14 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $200 Question All of the following bones form the acetabulum except: a. Ilium b. Sacrum c. Pubis d. Ischium ANSWER

15 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $200 Answer All of the following bones form the acetabulum except: a. Ilium b. Sacrum c. Pubis d. Ischium

16 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $300 Question The talus does not articulate with the: a. Tibia b. Cuboid c. Navicular d. Fibula ANSWER

17 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $300 Answer The talus does not articulate with the: a. Tibia b. Cuboid c. Navicular d. Fibula

18 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $400 Question Which bone is most likely to have boney overgrowth? a. Humerus b. Femur c. Tibia d. Radius ANSWER

19 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $400 Answer Which bone is most likely to have boney overgrowth? a. Humerus b. Femur c. Tibia d. Radius

20 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $500 Question What is the reason that it is important not to disrupt the periosteum? ANSWER

21 BACK TO GAME BONE LANDMARKS AND ARTICULATIONS $500 Answer What is the reason that it is important not to disrupt the periosteum? To prevent bone overgrowth

22 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $100 Question The biceps brachii produces which of the following actions of the elbow and forearm: a. Extension, pronation b. Extension, supination c. Flexion, pronation d. Flexion, supination ANSWER

23 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $100 Answer The biceps brachii produces which of the following actions of the elbow and forearm: a. Extension, pronation b. Extension, supination c. Flexion, pronation d. Flexion, supination

24 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Question During normal human locomotion, the primary function of the gluteus medius is to: a. Control the degree of femoral adduction b. Stabilize the knee c. Maintain lateral stability of the pelvis d. Flex the hip joint ANSWER

25 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Answer During normal human locomotion, the primary function of the gluteus medius is to: a. Control the degree of femoral adduction b. Stabilize the knee c. Maintain lateral stability of the pelvis d. Flex the hip joint

26 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Question What is the action of supraspinatus? a. A. Adduction of the arm b. B. Abduction of the arm c. C. Protraction of the scapula d. D. Retraction of the scapula ANSWER

27 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Answer What is the action of supraspinatus? a. A. Adduction of the arm b. B. Abduction of the arm c. C. Protraction of the scapula d. D. Retraction of the scapula

28 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Question What is the action of the peroneus longus? a. Eversion, dorsiflexion b. Eversion, plantarflexion c. Inversion, dorsiflexion d. Inversion, plantarflexion ANSWER

29 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Answer What is the action of the peroneus longus? a. Eversion, dorsiflexion b. Eversion, plantarflexion c. Inversion, dorsiflexion d. Inversion, plantarflexion

30 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Question Serratus anterior performs which action? a. A. Protraction, stabilization, downward rotation b. B. Protraction, stabilization, upward rotation c. C. Retraction, stabilization, downward rotation d. D. Retraction, stabilization, upward rotation ANSWER

31 BACK TO GAME MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Answer Serratus anterior performs which action? a. A. Protraction, stabilization, downward rotation b. B. Protraction, stabilization, upward rotation c. C. Retraction, stabilization, downward rotation d. D. Retraction, stabilization, upward rotation

32 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $100 Question Brachioradialis performs which function? a. A. Extension of elbow B. Flexion of elbow only C. Flexion of elbow and some pronation and supination D. Pronation only E. Supination only ANSWER

33 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $100 Answer Brachioradialis performs which function? a. A. Extension of elbow B. Flexion of elbow only C. Flexion of elbow and some pronation and supination D. Pronation only E. Supination only

34 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Question Which muscle passes anterior to the lateral malleolus? a. Peroneus longus b. Peroneus brevis c. Peroneus tertius d. Posterior tibialis ANSWER

35 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $200 Answer Which muscle passes anterior to the lateral malleolus? a. Peroneus longus b. Peroneus brevis c. Peroneus tertius d. Posterior tibialis

36 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Question Which muscle best compensates for a weak anterior tibialis muscle? a. tibialis posterior b. flexor digitorum longus c. flexor hallucis longus ANSWER

37 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $300 Answer Which muscle best compensates for a weak anterior tibialis muscle? a. tibialis posterior b. flexor digitorum longus c. flexor hallucis longus

38 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Question Which of the following muscles does NOT cause hip adduction a. Adductor longus, brevis, and magnus b. pectineus c. gracilis d. sartorius ANSWER

39 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $400 Answer Which of the following muscles does NOT cause hip adduction a. Adductor longus, brevis, and magnus b. pectineus c. gracilis d. sartorius

40 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Question If a patient’s shoulder dislocates anteriorly, which movement does NOT need to be limited? a. A. Scapular retraction b. B. Scapular protraction c. C. Internal rotation of the humerus d. D. Extension of the humerus ANSWER

41 BACK TO GAME EVEN MORE MUSCLE ACTIONS $500 Answer If a patient’s shoulder dislocates anteriorly, which movement does NOT need to be limited? a. A. Scapular retraction b. B. Scapular protraction c. C. Internal rotation of the humerus d. D. Extension of the humerus

42 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $100 Question Which of the following muscles undergoes contraction between heel strike and foot flat? a. Tibialis posterior b. Tibialis anterior c. Peroneus longus d. Gastrocnemeus ANSWER

43 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $100 Answer Which of the following muscles undergoes contraction between heel strike and foot flat? a. Tibialis posterior b. Tibialis anterior c. Peroneus longus d. Gastrocnemeus

44 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $200 Question To minimize lateral trunk bending subsequent to hip abductor weakness, it is best to use a cane on: a. The involved side b. The uninvolved side c. Both sides ANSWER

45 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $200 Answer To minimize lateral trunk bending subsequent to hip abductor weakness, it is best to use a cane on: a. The involved side b. The uninvolved side c. Both sides

46 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $300 Question During normal heel strike, the forward hip is a. A. Flexed 25 degrees b. B. Flexed 40 degrees c. C. Neutral d. D. Extended 10 degrees ANSWER

47 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $300 Answer During normal heel strike, the forward hip is a. A. Flexed 25 degrees b. B. Flexed 40 degrees c. C. Neutral d. D. Extended 10 degrees

48 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $400 Question The body’s center of gravity reaches its highest point at a. A. Heel strike b. B. Foot flat c. C. Midstance d. D. Heel off ANSWER

49 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $400 Answer The body’s center of gravity reaches its highest point at a. A. Heel strike b. B. Foot flat c. C. Midstance d. D. Heel off

50 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $500 Question The center of gravity of the adult male is located on the midline of the body at approximately the level of the: a. A. Greater trochanter of the femur b. B. Pubic symphysis c. C. Acetabulum d. D. Anatomical neck of the femur E. S-2 ANSWER

51 BACK TO GAME BIOMECHANICS $500 Answer The center of gravity of the adult male is located on the midline of the body at approximately the level of the: a. A. Greater trochanter of the femur b. B. Pubic symphysis c. C. Acetabulum d. D. Anatomical neck of the femur E. S-2

52 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $100 Question Which of the following muscles in NOT innervated by the obturator nerve? a. A. sartorius b. B. adductor longus c. C. adductor brevis d. D. adductor magnus e. E. gracilis ANSWER

53 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $100 Answer Which of the following muscles in NOT innervated by the obturator nerve? a. A. sartorius b. B. adductor longus c. C. adductor brevis d. D. adductor magnus e. E. gracilis

54 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $200 Question Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the median nerve? A. Pronator teres B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor carpi ulnaris D. Palmaris longus E. Flexor digitorum superficialis ANSWER

55 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $200 Answer Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the median nerve? A. Pronator teres B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor carpi ulnaris D. Palmaris longus E. Flexor digitorum superficialis

56 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $300 Question Shiny, hairless skin is a sign of a. Peripheral neropathy b. Peripheral vascular disease c. Autonomic neuropathy d. Foliculitis ANSWER

57 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $300 Answer Shiny, hairless skin is a sign of a. Peripheral neropathy b. Peripheral vascular disease c. Autonomic neuropathy d. Foliculitis

58 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $400 Question A common symptom in autonomic neuropathy is a. muscle twitches b. dizziness c. lack of sensation ANSWER

59 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $400 Answer A common symptom in autonomic neuropathy is a. muscle twitches b. dizziness c. lack of sensation

60 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $500 Question Which of the following is a lower motor neuron disorder? A. Multiple sclerosis B. Cerebral palsy C. Polio D. A and C ANSWER

61 BACK TO GAME NERVES AND ARTERIES $500 Answer Which of the following is a lower motor neuron disorder? A. Multiple sclerosis B. Cerebral palsy C. Polio D. A and C

62 BACK TO GAME FINAL ROUND Question Which of the following is a birth palsy? a. Klumpke’s palsy (crutch paralysis) b. Radial nerve palsy (wrist drop) ANSWER

63 BACK TO GAME FINAL ROUND Answer Which of the following is a birth palsy? a. Klumpke’s palsy (crutch paralysis) b. Radial nerve palsy (wrist drop)

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