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“Movers and Shakers”.

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1 “Movers and Shakers”

2 A useful website

3 Head and Neck Muscle

4 Muscles of Facial Expression
Name of the Muscle Action/s Frontalis Wrinkles the forehead Elevates eyebrows Corrugator supercilii Draws eyebrows to midline Orbicularis oculi Closes the eye Buccinator Compresses cheek

5 Muscles of Facial Expression
Name of the Muscle Action/s Zygomaticus Elevates corner of the mouth Risorius Draws corner of mouth laterally Mentalis Protrudes lower lip Platysma Depresses mandible and lower lip

6 Muscles of Facial Expressions


8 Corrugator supercilii

9 Orbicularis oculi


11 Orbicularis oris


13 Buccinator


15 Zygomaticus


17 Risorius


19 Mentalis


21 Platysma


23 Bell’s Palsy (Facial Paralysis)

24 Muscles of Mastication
Name of the Muscle Action/s Masseter Elevates the mandible Temporalis

25 Muscles of Mastication

26 Posterior Muscles of the Neck
Name of the Muscle Action/s Sternocleidomastoid Rotates head, flexes neck Trapezius Moves shoulder: adducts and elevates

27 Posterior Muscles of the Neck
Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius

28 Sternocleidomastoid


30 Suprahyoid Muscles Name of the Muscle Action/s Diagastric
Opens mouth, elevates hyoid Mylohyoid Elevates hyoid and floor of mouth Geniohyoid Elevates hyoid and protracts the tongue Genioglossus Protracts the tongue Styloglossus Retracts and elevates tongue Stylohyoid Retracts and elevates tongue

31 Suprahyoid Muscles Digastric

32 Mylohyoid


34 Infrahyoid Muscles Name of the Muscle Action/s Sternohyoid
Depresses hyoid Sternothyroid Depresses thyroid cartilage Thyohyoid Depresses hyoid bone, elevates larynx

35 Infrahyoid Muscles

36 Muscles of the Body wall

37 Muscles of the Thorax

38 Muscles of Respiration
Name of the Muscle Action/s External intercostals Elevate ribs (Inspiration) Internal intercostals Depress ribs (Expiration) Diaphragm Chief muscle of inspiration

39 Muscles of Respiration


41 Abdominal Wall Muscles
Name of the Muscle Action/s Rectus abdominis Flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen External oblique abdominis Compresses abdomen, lateral trunk rotation Internal oblique abdominis Transversus abdominis

42 Abdominal Wall Muscles


44 Muscles of the Posterior Thorax
Name of the Muscle Action/s Serratus anterior Pulls scapula forward and down Levator scapulae Elevates scapula Rhomboideus major and minor Adduct scapula Trapezius Moves shoulder: adducts and elevates

45 Muscles of the Posterior Thorax

46 Muscles of the Posterior Thorax

47 Muscles of the Shoulder
Name of the Muscle Action/s Pectoralis major Flexes, adducts, and rotates arm Pectoralis minor Pulls scapula forward and down Deltoid Abducts arm

48 Muscles of the Shoulder
Name of the Muscle Action/s Lattisimus dorsi Extends, adducts, and rotates arm medially Teres major Teres minor Rotates arm medially

49 Muscles of the Shoulder


51 Muscles of the Arm Name of the Muscle Action/s Biceps brachii
Flexes forearm Brachialis Brachioradialis

52 Muscles of the Forearm Name of the Muscle Action/s Pronator teres
Pronates forearm Supinator Supinates forearm Triceps bracii Extends forearm

53 Muscles of the Arm

54 Biceps brachii Brachialis

55 Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Triceps brachii

56 Muscles of the forearm Name of the Muscle Action/s
Flexor carpi radialis Flexes and abducts the wrist Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexes and adducts the wrist Flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus Flex the wrist and digits

57 Muscles of the forearm Name of the Muscle Action/s
Extensor carpi radialis longus Extends wrist Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum Extends wrist and digits


59 Muscles of the Forearm


61 Muscles of the Hip

62 Muscles of the Gluteal Region
Name of the Muscle Action/s Gluteus maximus Extends and rotates thigh laterally Gluteus medius Abducts and rotates thigh medially Gluteus minimus Tensor fasciae latae

63 Muscles of the Gluteal Region


65 Adductors Name of the Muscle Action/s Adductor longus
Flexes, adducts, and rotates thigh medially Adductor brevis Flexes, adducts, and rotates thigh Adductor magnus

66 Adductors

67 Muscles of the Thigh

68 Flexors (Hamstrings) Name of the Muscle Action/s Gracilis
Flexes leg and adducts thigh Sartorius Flexes leg and thigh, and abducts and rotates thigh Biceps femoris Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh Semimembranosus Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh, medially rotates thigh Semitendinosus

69 Flexors (Hamstrings)

70 Extensors (Quadriceps)
Name of the Muscle Action/s Rectus femoris Extend leg, and flex thigh Vastus medialis Extend leg Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius

71 Extensors (Quadriceps)

72 Muscles of the Leg

73 Muscles that move the foot
Name of the Muscle Action/s Gastrocnemius Planter flexes foot Soleus Peroneus longus Planter flexes and everts Peroneus brevis Peroneus tertius Dorsiflexes and everts Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexes and inverts

74 Muscles that move the foot


76 Muscles that move the toes
Name of the Muscle Action/s Flexor digitorum longus Flexes the toes Extensor digitorum longus Extends the toes

77 Muscles that move the Toes

78 Got “Movements”









87 Quadriplegia due to Spinal cord injury

88 Paralysis

89 Myesthenia gravis


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