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The Importance of Public Participation and Outreach in Project Development Gary Flunoy – Business Outreach/Public Involvement Coordinator August 27, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Public Participation and Outreach in Project Development Gary Flunoy – Business Outreach/Public Involvement Coordinator August 27, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Public Participation and Outreach in Project Development Gary Flunoy – Business Outreach/Public Involvement Coordinator August 27, 2009 Arusha, Tanzania

2 Public Involvement Overview  Partnering with Stakeholders  Designing a Public Involvement Program  Best Practices  Example of a Successful Public Partnership in Transport and Non- Transport

3 Creating a Public Involvement Plan  Clearly define purpose and objectives for initiating public dialogue  Identify affected stakeholders  Identify techniques and tools

4 Creating a Public Involvement Plan Cont ….  Create effective notification process  Create education and assistance techniques  Follow-through by decision makers to demonstrate that input was seriously considered

5 Partnering is Key to a Successful Project  Elected officials  Community & Business leaders  Impacted businesses  Impacted organizations  Impacted residents


7 20-Mile Light Rail Line

8 Light Rail Vehicle  50 Vehicles  Insulated car bodies to reduce cooling loss

9 Future High Capacity / Light Rail 57-Mile System

10 Above and Beyond NEPA’s Public Involvement (PI) Requirements  Diverse Team  Team on-board throughout entire process (Planning, Design, Construction)  Continuous community outreach and opportunities for public input/feedback  Consistent staff throughout

11 PI Program Goals  Identify stakeholders  Know stakeholders on personal basis  Determine the most effective method(s) for communication  Encourage public input  Provide a one stop shop for stakeholders

12 PI Area Coordinator Roles  Liaison between project and community  Human face of the Project  Knows and understands the community  Issue resolution  Translate technical information

13 PI Staff Methods of Communication  Door to door canvassing  Public open house meetings for planning, design and construction phases  One-on-one meetings with individual stakeholders (2,000+)

14 PI Staff Method of Communication cont…  Regular participation at neighborhood and business group meetings and community events

15 PI Program Committees  Project Advisory Committees  Urban Design Task Force  Accessibility Oversight Committee  Regional Rail Arts Committee

16 Business Statistics  Approximately 3,800 business stakeholders  27 business outreach partners  5 Government agencies  7 Chambers of commerce  3 Management districts  2 Universities  10 Business service providers

17 Business Outreach Program Based On  Input from peer cities  Integration of best practices  Input from public on potential program

18 Purpose of Business Outreach Program  Minimize construction impacts  Create positive public relations image for agency/city  Establish lines of communication with the impacted business community

19 Benefits of a Business Outreach Program  Sets businesses up for success  Builds positive relationship with community  No complaints / No phone calls to elected officials

20 METRO Business Outreach  Staffing  Public Involvement Manager  Business Outreach Coordinator – Phoenix  Business Outreach Coordinator – Tempe & Mesa  6 Community Relations Coordinators  4 Community Advisory Board (CAB) Specialists

21 METRO Business Outreach cont…  Construction Outreach  24-hour hotline  Traffic circulation plans  Construction Signage Program

22  Business Outreach  METRO MAX Program  One-on-One stakeholder meetings  Community Advisory Board (CAB) METRO Business Outreach cont…

23 Community Advisory Board (CAB) Program  Key component of METRO’s Construction Outreach Plan  Composed of residents and business representatives from the community adjacent to the alignment  Serves as a voice of the community between the Project and stakeholders  Provides stakeholder feedback to Project and contractors

24 CAB Program cont….  Reports CAB meeting information to stakeholders  Identifies issues related to the contractor’s interaction with and response to community  Members evaluate contractor’s performance as it relates to minimizing impacts to the community  Determines rating used for awarding incentives

25  Program Statistics  Construction Signage Program: 1212 a-frame signs & banners  Management Technical Assistance Program: 329 businesses  ASU Market Needs Assessment: 128 businesses  METRO MAX Program: 274 businesses  METRO MAX Distribution: 400,000 brochures METRO Business Outreach cont…

26 Next Steps  Conduct exit survey of all businesses to determine effectiveness of program  Update program  Establish team and budget to carryout program  Implement program as part of the MAG Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)

27 Program Development  Establish baseline program  Develop programs to mitigate against construction impacts  Establish construction hotline  Develop construction signage program  Develop community advisory board for construction  Develop marketing program

28 Program Development cont…  Develop programs that provide technical and financial assistance  Comprehensive business analysis  Market needs assessment  Management technical assistance  Line of credit programs

29 Program Implementation  Conduct business assistance forums  Introduction of programs  Testimonials from businesses who have experienced light rail construction  Open house format  Conduct Business Meetings  One-on-one meetings  Organizations and community groups

30 Program Implementation Cont…  Communicate program to the public  Conduct mass mailing to all businesses within rail corridor  Conduct mass marketing and media blitz promoting program  Conduct complete canvass of all businesses within rail corridor

31  Develop alliances with all local, state and national business service providers, chambers of commerce, etc.  Develop consortium of financial institutions for the creation of financial programs  Establish partnership with the economic development department of city to develop technical assistance programs  Establish partnerships with local universities and existing business organizations to develop additional technical assistance programs Key Steps


33 Asante Sana

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