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ROCSAT-2 Current Status of ISUAL Project Jyh-Long Chern of NCKU Yukihiro Takahashi of Tohoku University Henry Heetderks of UCB February 28, 2002.

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1 ROCSAT-2 Current Status of ISUAL Project Jyh-Long Chern of NCKU Yukihiro Takahashi of Tohoku University Henry Heetderks of UCB February 28, 2002

2 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at UCB  Development of the ISUAL  Fabrication and Initial Testing of the Spectrophotometer ETU is complete  System taken to Colorado mountain for testing with actual sprites  Sprites successfully detected with expected sensitivity  Cosmic ray contamination problem identified  New PCB layout is complete and ETU and Flight boards have been etched  New PCB is currently having parts installed  Assembly of the ETU Sprite Imager is fully complete  Camera system electronics with all operating modes is fully checked out  All mechanical parts have been made for both ETU and flight units  ETU is fully wired with all circuit boards, heaters, thermistors, motor, etc.  Flight unit and NSPO ETU sub-assemblies are now being wired and assembled  Optics assembly problems have been solved  New tapers from Schott received and have very low defects  Masks have been successfully deposited at UCB  First flight intensifier/taper/mask/window/CCD assembly complete  We will make a total of 4 assemblies and pick the best for flight

3 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at UCB  Development of the ISUAL (Continued)  Imager ETU has been fully assembled  Drawings for revised Thermoelectric Cooler system are nearly complete  Fabrication of new parts will begin week of 4 March  Life testing is underway on ETU Filter wheel with flight motor  Unit has operated for the equivalent of five years on orbit under vacuum at +45 deg C.  Very little evidence wear on motor or gears  We are now setting up to do a similar test at -40 deg C.

4 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at UCB  Development of the ISUAL (Continued)  AEP ETU Fabrication and Testing has made substantial progress  Checkout of Mass Memory is complete  DPU Checkout is mostly complete  Interface to AP is checked out and working  Interface to Mass Memory is checked out and working  Interface to Analog Telemetry System is fully checked out  Interface to DCM is fully checked out  Interface to High Voltage control system checkout is in process  Interface to Spectrophotometer (IDC) is not yet complete  DCM has made great progress  Hardware bugs on ETU board have been corrected with cuts and jumps and added components  New board layout with circuit changes is being done at NCKU  We believe we are very close to having BIOS software running in the DCM which will allow compression code to be uploaded from the DPU and run in the DCM  PCB layout of the final board in the AEP, the Instrument Data Control (IDC) board is now almost complete We expect to have an etched board by 15 March

5 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at Tohoku  Development of the AP  AP ISD (AP interface testing model) and IGSE (Interface simulator for AP) were bought to UCB and successfully tested  Tohoku has delivered AP document package to UCB (part of Milestone 2 package)  "Milestone 1" has been confirmed and paid by UCB  Schedule of environmental tests in Japan is under arrangement. It will be fixed in a week.  Radiation tests for some ICs and PMTs were conducted with a total dose of 30 K rad. No problem was detected.

6 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at UCB  IGSE Systems Status  Hardware is complete and two systems are operational  One is currently at UCB and the other is in France where it was used to support the successful testing of the ISUAL ISD  We had a nasty bug develop in the IGSE which caused occasional loss of science data packets  The problem appears to be due to a subtle bug in the operation of the National Instruments I/O boards which we are using to perform the simulated spacecraft interface  We have made software modifications which include switching from C++ based drivers to Labview drivers  This appears to have corrected the problem

7 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Development of the DCM  DCM (third version PCB) is used for software/BIOS/interface implementation testing  Technically, the design of the DCM ETU will be finalized in this version  Code implementation with assembly language is working on  We are trying to catch the schedule  Overall, NCKU’s DCM should be done within this year NCKU is scheduling to be at UCB in mid-December or early January for integration verification; after that ETU will be made at UCB (expected late January) and then flight model (expected February).  NCKU will deliver  Hardware testing note  Software code book  DCM PCB (hardware)  Complete DCM ETU design

8 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Development of GSE  GSE  Second version of Code book (GSE004) is complete  Should be done by the end of this year  Working on integration and testing with hardware  After finishing  NCKU will deliver Code book Testing Performance Evaluation Report

9 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Optical Design and Testing  Optical analysis on ISUAL CCD imager is complete  Publication:  Books can be downloaded from web site: More technical information including codes can be found over the web  Currently, we have submitted three technical papers of optical analysis and got one paper accepted. More researches in the areas of optical analysis and blind image deconvoltuion are on-going  Overall, ISUAL data will be used for more technical publications as a unique demonstration for novel data analysis algorithms as well as validating the test and evaluating the performance of the optical system (This is still very optimistic.)

10 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Optical Design and Testing  Workshop (on mid-December at NCKU campus) :  Dr. Leo Gardner, Chairman of the Optical Design of the Optical Technology Division of OSA, is invited to talk about his experience on optical system design in the workshop: Design and Analysis Optical System More information can be found in web site  In the next February, another tutorial course on optical design analysis with ASAP will be offered at NCKU campus. The lecturer is an experienced engineer from BRO.  Optical Testing facilities  Will be completed by the end of this year

11 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Science Data Distribution Center  Incorporating the CCSDS standard in data format  Studying the telemetry commands for the ISUAL operation  Reviewing CDF Skeleton Table for ISUAL data  Evaluating data query functions and schemes for the ISUAL data  Working on operational handbook  (mission operation management)  Simulation environment (parallel computing has been built)

12 ROCSAT-2 Current Status at NCKU  Science team  Ground observation  Publications: Six papers are submitted for publication (expect two of them will be accepted)  Meeting and international conference in the near future: Will attend this coming AGU meeting for paper presentation as well as the coordination meeting for the joint observation of the Sprites  Activity: Ground observations have been made; More ground observation activities have been scheduled  Simulation  The simulation code is now under developing

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