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Chapter 27 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West.

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1 Chapter 27 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West

2 Introduction  Japan and Russia did not fit pattern of western domination  Both started industrialization  Both strengthened political/social systems  Both had imitated others  Both used state to make changes

3 Russia (before reform)  Catherine the Great protected it from French Rev.  Conservatives wanted to isolate  Issue of serfdom  Alexander I – Holy Alliance  Intellectuals liked the West  Decembrist uprising

4 Repression  Avoid revolutions of mid 1800s  Territorial expansion: Poland, Ottoman empire, Balkans  Increase exports by increasing labor obligations of serfs  Crimean War leads to reform

5 Reform  Based on Western standards/examples  Emancipation of the serfs –Serfs got land but had to pay –No political rights –Creates urban labor force –More political/social unrest  Local political councils (zemstvoes)  Military/education improvements  Status of women improves  Industrialization: railroads, factories

6 Early Industrial Revolution  Debtor nation; much foreign invest.  Traditional peasant society  No middle class  +:size, population, natural resources

7 Road to revolution  Alexander II tries reforms, assassin.  Intelligentsia  Anarchists  Lenin/Bolsheviks  Social/political unrest  Revolution inevitable??

8 Revolution of 1905  Response to loss in Russo-Japanese  Workers’ strikes  Peasant rebellions  Creates Duma  Reform doesn’t last; Nicholas II takes power back  Eastern Europe follows some patterns; Time of cultural productivity

9 Japan  Final years of Tokugawa Shogunate –Financial problems –Culture ↑ –Education: commoner schools, Dutch studies  Opening of Japan (Comm. Perry)  daimyos vs. samurai vs. shogunate  Political crisis leads to civil war

10 Meiji  Abolishes feudalism  Centralized political power  Domestic development: –Abolish samurai –Government army –Reorganize bureaucracy (Diet)-modeled on Germany  Incorporate business with politics

11 Industrial revolution  Government supervision of industry  Private enterprise (zaibatsus)  Few resource so must import!  Later, leads to imperialism to get resources

12 Social and cultural effects  Population growth  Universal education system  Distinct values  Copied western fashions/styles/ideas  Buddhism ↓ Shinto ↑  Change in family life, some traditions continued (women inferior)  Foreign policy shift (imperialism)

13 Problems of modernization  Poor living in crowded cities  Political problems  Intellectual confusion (identity crisis) which leads to NATIONALISM

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