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Body Systems 3 rd 9 weeks Test Review Game. Misc.Circulatory System Digestive System Skeletal & Muscular Systems Respiratory& Excretory Systems 100 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Systems 3 rd 9 weeks Test Review Game. Misc.Circulatory System Digestive System Skeletal & Muscular Systems Respiratory& Excretory Systems 100 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Systems 3 rd 9 weeks Test Review Game

2 Misc.Circulatory System Digestive System Skeletal & Muscular Systems Respiratory& Excretory Systems 100 200 300 400 500

3 What is the main function of the circulatory system?

4 Transporting

5 The largest blood vessel in the body is the ____________.

6 aorta

7 The wave-like motion of the esophagus that keeps food flowing in one direction is called ______________.

8 peristalsis

9 How does the skin protect the body from disease?

10 Skin keeps disease- causing microorganisms from entering the body.

11 What is the scientific term for high blood pressure?

12 hypertension

13 This type of muscle is found only in the heart

14 cardiac

15 The cells that send out signals to make the heart muscles contract

16 Pacemaker

17 The liquid part of blood

18 plasma

19 This helps blood flow in the right direction

20 Valve

21 This structure collects(receives) blood

22 Atrium

23 This organ stores bile

24 Gallbladder

25 Most chemical digestion takes place here

26 Small Intestines

27 Water is absorbed from the undigested food here

28 Large Intestines

29 This organ released enzymes that help break down starches, proteins, and fats in the small intestines.

30 Pancreas

31 What structures enable the small intestines to absorb large amounts of nutrients?

32 Villi

33 What human body tissue can contract?

34 muscle

35 While one muscle in a pair contacts, the other

36 Rests, or returns to its normal length

37 Nerves and blood vessels in the skin are located in the

38 dermis

39 Much of a newborn baby’s skeleton is made of

40 cartilage

41 A strong connective tissue that holds movable joints together is a

42 ligament

43 Where does gas exchange occur?

44 alveoli

45 Tiny filtering structures in the kidneys are called

46 nephrons

47 Hair like structures in the nasal cavities and trachaea

48 cilia

49 The respiratory system brings what substance into the body?

50 Oxygen

51 The main function of the excretory system is to collect and remove _________ from the body

52 wastes

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