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IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Joint Strategy for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) CARE International, FAO, FEWS.

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Presentation on theme: "IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Joint Strategy for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) CARE International, FAO, FEWS."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Joint Strategy for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) CARE International, FAO, FEWS NET, JRC, Oxfam GB, Save the Children UK, Save the Children US, WFP Tuesday 9 September WFP HQ, Rome, Italy

2 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification A lot done… … and a lot to do: Global level –Technical development –Lessons learning –Communication –Mainstreaming –Partnership Regional level –Harmonization (with CILSS, SADC…) Country level –Country demand –Government ownership –Adaptation versus standardization Need for multi-year funding to support long-term objectives

3 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Global Development Technical development Mainstreaming Partnership Strategic planning Global coordination Field Application Capacity building Country roll out Regional consolidation Towards a global outlook Communication 4-Year Strategy

4 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Outcomes Consensus at national, regional and global level on severity of food security crises Decisions informed by standard classification and analysis Outputs IPC classification conducted on a regular basis in more than 20 countries Regional consolidation of IPC analyses on a regular basis in at least 4 regions Tools and mechanisms for hand over in place (scale, tools, mechanisms, trained staff) Impact Improved food security through better programmes

5 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Governance Structure Steering Committee Coordination Unit Technical Working Group Partnership Forum Regional Unit FP Regional Unit Regional Unit 4

6 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification 8.0 M$ Budget Estimate 2.6 M$ 2.9 M$ 7.2 M$ Global Development Field Application

7 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Estimated Budget (in M$) 2008-092009-12Total Global HR Other 2.9 1.3 1.6 8.0 4.4 3.6 10.9 5.7 5.2 Field HR Other 2.6 0.9 1.7 7.2 3.8 3.4 9.8 4.7 5.1 ECHO 2.1 M$? 20.7 M$5.5 M$15.2 M$

8 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Current and past funding Projects in East Africa, Central Africa and the Sahel (ECHO, DFID, CIDA) ending in November 2008. Support to global development (Netherlands) ended in June 2008. Small components within several projects provide limited funding: –Project to strengthen linkages between the IPC and the CILSS framework (France) –Project on the linkages between food security and nutrition (Canada)

9 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Flexible funding options 1. Pooled funding Coordination Unit (FAO) 2. Funding to specific agency Specific agency Fund Management IPC Steering Committee / All partners Implementation

10 IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification URGENT NEEDS 1.Funding for year 1 2.Predictability / feedback for years 2-4 on: Activities Realistic funding level Country priorities Timing Funding arrangement

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