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1700s Economic Structure Changes before the French Revolution.

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1 1700s Economic Structure Changes before the French Revolution

2 Progress only related to the elite  Peasant lives not changed from ME  Economies expanded but slowly  Economic power moves to Atlantic states with colonies helping provide expansion  Changes in farming, industry, pop., and trade move Europe toward industrial revolution

3 Agriculture  Cyclical famine years (8-10 years)  Famine foods  Increased weakness and illness  Decrease population  Open field system  Common lands  Serfdom declined/living conditions outside serfdom were poor

4 Agricultural Revolution  Crop rotation!! Allowed for better utilization of farm land  Had to get landowners to agree to crop changes-- leading to…  Enclosure!!!  Hardest on poor– restricted use of common lands

5 Farm leadership- Eng and Netherlands  Netherlands– maximum use of land necessary /expanded trade for extra  England learned from the Dutch  Jethro Tull (not the group) innovative methods of farming  Selective breeding  England improved food by 300% while increasing # of farmers by 14%

6 Cost of Enclosure  Benefitted the large landowners  Increased surveying  Cottagers lost longtime use of common land  Tenant farmers increase  Led to increase in market oriented estate farming and creation of a landless rural “proletariat”

7 Population Explosion  1300- 1600’s population ravaged by famine, war, black death  New pattern in 1700’s  More babies- fewer deaths  Fewer black death outbreaks  Small pox innoculations  Better management of famine  Improvements to water supply

8 Growth of Cottage industry  Protoindustrialization  Putting out system- merchant capitalist and rural worker  Advantages- used rural underemployed workers, made “common” goods, less guild restrictions, “spinsters”  Disadv- distrust, labor was scattered, poorly organized, hard to control

9 Atlantic Advantage  (This is why Eng will do better than France in 1700s or18 th century)  Colonization  Navigation Acts  Mercantilism  Slave trade  Growth of urban areas  Growth of foreign trade  Latin American colonization-  New ideas- Adam Smith 1776

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