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South Africa--Apartheid Africa. South Africa A. Apartheid--[separateness]--a system of racial segregation enforced in South Africa from 1948-1994 –1.

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Presentation on theme: "South Africa--Apartheid Africa. South Africa A. Apartheid--[separateness]--a system of racial segregation enforced in South Africa from 1948-1994 –1."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Africa--Apartheid Africa

2 South Africa A. Apartheid--[separateness]--a system of racial segregation enforced in South Africa from 1948-1994 –1. People were classified into racial groups a. white--Europeans b. black--Africans c. asian--mostly Indian d. colored--mixed race

3 South Africa 2. Were force to move from the areas where the white Europeans lived 3. The black majority were placed in areas equivalent to the Native American Reservations 4. All non-whites were prevented from voting 5. Education, medical care, and other public services were segregated, and those available to the black people were inferior.

4 South Africa B. Racial Segregation and Colonialism prior to Apartheid –1. Apartheid is attributed to the Afrikaner-dominated government of 1948-1994 –2. Legacy of British colonialism which introduced a system of laws in the Cape Colony a. These laws regulated the movement of black from tribal regions which were occupied by whites and colored and ruled by the British.

5 South Africa b. These “Pass Laws” restricted movement into these areas, but also prohibited their movement from one district to another without a pass.

6 South Africa c. Blacks were not allowed on the streets after dark and they had to carry a pass at all times. d. Laws originated from the peace treaty between the Boer Republic and the British Empire at the end of the second Boer War between 1899 - 1902 e. Original idea behind Aparthied was of political separation “ grand separation” not segregation “petty apartheid).

7 South Africa C. 1948 Election –The National Party and the Afrikaner Party formed a coalition. a. law passed to prevent mixed marriages.] b. Separate Amenities act create separate beaches, buses, schools, and Universities. –Blacks were prevented fro living in white towns unless employed there which meant that families were separated.

8 South Africa. Homeland System –1. Once apartheid began blacks would no longer be citizens of South Africa. They became guest workers in the country –2. The South African government attempted to separate South Africa into Separate States -- 87% was reserved fro whites, colored and Asians

9 South Africa E. Color Classification –1. Population separated into Black, white, Asian and Colored Colored included mixed Bantu, Khoisan, and European descent –1. They were discriminated against and forced to live in separate townships –2. Voting rights were denied.

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