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12:3 Roosevelt’s Second Term – Huge political shift African-Americans begin supporting Democrats – First woman appointed to a cabinet post Frances Perkins.

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Presentation on theme: "12:3 Roosevelt’s Second Term – Huge political shift African-Americans begin supporting Democrats – First woman appointed to a cabinet post Frances Perkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 12:3 Roosevelt’s Second Term – Huge political shift African-Americans begin supporting Democrats – First woman appointed to a cabinet post Frances Perkins (Sec’y of Labor)

2 12:3 Election of 1936 – Roosevelt v Alfred Landon – Roosevelt and New Deal very popular – One of the largest “landslide” victories in U.S. history Roosevelt wins more than 60% of popular vote Wins every state except Maine and Vermont

3 12:3 Supreme Court – United States v. Butler (1936) Agricultural Adjustment Act “unconstitutional” – “Court-Packing” Plan Roosevelt wanted a law that would allow the president to appoint more than nine justices Political “black eye” for President

4 12:3 Supreme Court – Appears to back down NLRB v Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp – Upholds Wagner Act Steward Machine Co v Davis – Upholds Social Security Act

5 12:3 Recession of 1937 – Roosevelt cut spending on N.D. programs – 2 million people put out of work 2 billion dollars less in tax revenue

6 12:3 Keynesian Economics – John Maynard Keynes, British Economist Government should spend heavily in recession “deficit spending” can be a positive – Henry Morgenthau, Treasury Sec’y Opposed deficit spending Wanted to balance budget and cut spending

7 12:3 Supreme Court – Expanded government’s role in economy NLRB v Jones and Laughlin Steel (1937) – Federal government could regulate production within a state Wickard v Filburn (1942) – Federal government could regulate consumption within states

8 12:3 Legacy of the New Deal – Did not fix unemployment long-term – Government involvement in economy at an all- time high – “Broker State”: government works out conflicts – “Safety Net”: government provides safeguards and relief programs

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