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POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Article 2. 1. 1. What does the President do? Work Together… Write a description / list of what the President does / is.

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Presentation on theme: "POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Article 2. 1. 1. What does the President do? Work Together… Write a description / list of what the President does / is."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. 1. What does the President do? Work Together… Write a description / list of what the President does / is in charge of… Share your ideas in groups of 3 Each group will share one idea that is different from what has already been shared. PRESIDENT of the United States of America

3 Article 2 POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Essential Questions: What powers are granted to the President? What roles and duties are included?

4 Qualifications Terms 35 years old native born citizen 14+ year U.S. resident PRESIDENT of the United States of America Theodore Roosevelt ~ 42 after McKinley’s assassination John F. Kennedy ~ 43 youngest elected Ronald Reagan ~ 69 oldest elected

5 Qualifications Terms 35 years old native born citizen 14+ year U.S. resident 1 term = 4 years George Washington ~ established 2 term tradition Franklin Delano Roosevelt ~ only president who served more than 2 terms and elected to 4 1951 - 22 nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ~ limits presidents to 2 terms or 10 years PRESIDENT of the United States of America Theodore Roosevelt ~ 42 after McKinley’s assassination John F. Kennedy ~ 43 youngest elected Ronald Reagan ~ 69 oldest elected

6 Electoral College vs. Popular Vote presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November

7 Electoral College vs. Popular Vote 538 Electors (535 + 3 for Washington D.C.) 270 electoral votes to elect the President Electors for each state equal the number of members in its Congressional delegation (senators + representatives) Utah ______ “winner-take-all” except for Maine and Nebraska Electors meet the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December to vote President-Elect takes the oath of office and is sworn in on January 20 th 27 states have laws or requirements for how Electors should vote ~ Utah? 6

8 Electoral vs. Popular Vote Presidents who took office without winning the popular vote. They were elected by the Electoral College. 1824 ~ John Quincy Adams lost popular vote by 44,804 to Andrew Jackson but was elected by the House of Representatives after a tie in the Electoral College vote 1876 ~ Rutherford B. Hayes lost by 264,292 votes to Samuel J. Tilden 1888 ~ Benjamin Harrison lost by 95,713 votes to Grover Cleveland 2000 ~ George W. Bush lost by 543,816 votes to Al Gore but won the electoral vote by 5 (271 to 266)

9 *Roles of the President* Chief of State: serve as an example for the American people, stand for the highest values and ideals of the country, and be a living symbol of the nation Chief Executive: decides how laws will be enforced and chooses advisers to help (executive order) Chief Diplomat: directs foreign policy and makes key decisions about how the U.S. will interact with other countries Commander-In-Chief: in charge of the U.S. armed forces Chief Legislator: may urge Congress to pass new laws or veto bills, may also propose legislation Chief of Party: party leader who helps members of his political party get elected or appointed to office Chief Guardian of the Economy: unemployment, high prices, taxes, business, and budgets (choose 2 for notes)

10 GOALS TOOLS Competition over Control President  Chief Diplomat  Commander in Chief  order troops into battle Congress  declare war  prohibit certain military actions  spend or withhold money  treaties  executive agreements  ambassador appointments  foreign aid  international trade  military force Foreign Policy Plan for Dealing with Other Nations  national security  international trade  promote world peace  promote democracy

11 ParisSyriaBeirut 129 43 Kenya 147 200,000

12 A Day in the Life of the President… ~E~ Lead weekly meetings where I ask the leaders of the government offices (called “agencies”) for their advice on how to handle the country’s most difficult problems. ~C~ Give my yearly “State of the Union” speech on what’s happening in the U.S., which is broadcast live on television. ~W~ Decide whether to approve or reject a bill that I believe would help millions of people, but would cost a lot of money.

13 A Day in the Life of the President… ~E~ Follow the Constitution and the law even if I disagree with it. ~C~ Decide whether to send more troops into war knowing that some will die, but it will keep the country safe. ~W~ Make sure the IRS (the government agency that collects taxes) collects people’s taxes correctly, so the government has money to do its job.

14 A Day in the Life of the President… ~E~ Answer difficult questions from reporters at a press conference where I’m asking Congress to do more. ~C~ Try to negotiate an agreement with another country that would reduce both countries’ nuclear weapons. ~W~ Choose a new Supreme Court justice because someone on the Court is retiring.

15 Salary and Benefits $400,000 $50,000 expense account $100,000 travel account $19,000 entertainment 80+ people on staff Air Force One

16 Succession 1841 William Henry Harrison first president to die in office Constitution says that the vice president should assume the “powers and duties” of the presidency Vice President John Tyler declared himself president, took the oath of office, and served the remainder of Harrison’s term; 8 others after him 1947 Presidential Succession Act – line of succession after the vice president 1967 Twenty-fifth Amendment – new president chooses vice president, approved by Congress; used 3 times

17 Cabinet & Succession Speaker of the House president pro tempore State Treasury Defense Justice Interior Agriculture Commerce Labor Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development Transportation Energy Education Veterans Affairs Homeland Security

18 VICE PRESIDENT – President of the Senate 14 became president, more than half after a president had died 1 defeated the president he served with 1 murdered a man and became a fugitive 1 joined the Confederate army and led an invasion of Washington, D.C. 3 received the Nobel Peace Prize 2 resigned from the office 1 was the target of a failed assassination plot Seven died in office—one in his room in the U.S. Capitol and two fatally stricken while on their way to preside over the Senate 1 piano-playing vice president suffered political repercussions from a photograph showing him playing that instrument while a famous movie actress posed seductively on top of it the candidate with the most electoral votes is president, the one coming in second is vice president the 1800 election was the first time candidates campaigned Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran together for president and vice president; tied in electoral votes 12 th Amendment: redefined how president and vice president are chosen by the Electoral College, making the two positions cooperative and assuring that anyone who becomes Vice- President must be eligible to be President

19 Presidential Speeches The President’s vision of America and goals for the nation. Inaugural Address State of the Union The President “shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Farewell Address a statement that President George Washington published in a Philadelphia newspa per in 1796 to announce that he would not run for a third term and to give his views on foreign and domestic policy

20 President Bush Farewell Address 2009 m/watch?v=g- NKlEKmcX8 m/watch?v=g- NKlEKmcX8 President Obama Inaugural Address m/watch?v=3PuHGKnbo NY m/watch?v=3PuHGKnbo NY 2. Take brief notes in a T – chart while watching both speeches. Bush Obama

21 EXIT Ticket 3. In your opinion, what is the most important duty / role of the president? Why? Explain your answer.

22 White House

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