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PUBLIC SPEAKING ….finally allowing you to talk in class.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC SPEAKING ….finally allowing you to talk in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC SPEAKING ….finally allowing you to talk in class

2 PUBLIC SPEAKING »One of the most common fears “They would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy” - Seinfeld »A requirement for most high paying careers »Difficult for even the professionals »When mastered the subject you are speaking on won’t matter

3 GETTING STARTED »DO NOT just sit down and write an essay that you wish to read out loud »You must first research three major components »THE OCCASION »THE AUDIENCE »THE PURPOSE

4 THE OCCASION »Where you will be speaking will determine the majority of your speech »It determines the length of your speech »It determines the tone of your presentation »It sometimes determines your position »You will speak differently at different places

5 THE AUDIENCE »Know who you are talking to »Family »Classmates »Board of directors »Complete strangers »This will also determine your tone and your language usage

6 THE PURPOSE »WHY ARE YOU TALKING?!!! »Your subject matter must be clear »You must know the point you are trying to make »You must be sure to cover the material the audience wants

7 WRITING YOUR SPEECH »Just like any other kind of good writing, your speech must have a: »BEGINNING »MIDDLE »END

8 THE BEGINNING »This is your one and only chance to grab your audience »You must break the ice with a joke or draw them in with an anecdote »Many people use visual aids to do the work for them

9 THE MIDDLE »It must flow clearly from point to point in some logical order »It is beneficial to clearly label your points so that your audience knows where you are and where you will be taking them »Make sure you have one central point your speech is built around

10 THE END »Must contain your strongest points »You must: »Summarize your whole piece »Leave your audience with positive feelings toward your speech »Make it end but leave them wanting more

11 DELIVERING YOUR SPEECH »Know ahead of time how you will be required to deliver your speech - either by: »Notes »Script »Teleprompter »Cue Cards »Memory

12 Memory is the easiest!!! »Believe it or not, you will make a more enjoyable speech if you memorize it »Don’t try to memorize your speech word for word, do it point by point and let your personality fill in the blanks »Never say “Oops, I forgot” find a way to jump back and cover missed points in a way that seems seamless to the audience.

13 TIPS »Your appearance counts »Speak clearly, and adjust your voice so that everyone can hear you - no more »Try to take your time speaking

14 MORE TIPS »Make eye contact with your audience (this helps to build trust and a relationship) - one of the traps of reading your speech »Do not fidget »Do not keep your hands in your pockets »Only use visual aids that benefit your speech »BE YOURSELF!!

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