British Literature “It’s a tough Tuesday.” April 1, 2008 Mr. Houghteling.

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1 British Literature “It’s a tough Tuesday.” April 1, 2008 Mr. Houghteling

2 Copy on a separate sheet of paper and revise using STOP/GO punctuation, Exaggerate the Pause, Thumb Rule, and possessive apostrophes. 1. Begun while Dickens was still at work on Pickwick Papers Oliver Twist was published in 1837 and is now one of the authors most widely read works.

3 2. As the climate of Europe changed the population became too dense for the supply of food obtained by hunting and other means of securing food such as the domestication of animals were necessary.

4 3. He has forty-three thousand dollars to spend however once that is gone he will be penniless.

5 4. Nursery stories like everything human have been subject to many changes over long periods of time.

6 5. Stop using “stuff” in your essays its too informal.

7 Station-to-Station Review: With a partner or group of three, go over your answers for last week’s station-to- station activity. If you and your partner(s) disagree on an answer, consult the crib sheet and decide upon one answer. We will then discuss the correct answers as a class.

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