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How could these two pictures be what heaven is like?

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Presentation on theme: "How could these two pictures be what heaven is like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How could these two pictures be what heaven is like?

2 1. Explain what Moksha is. 2. Which image of being in heaven you prefer? Explain. **Is Moksha be better than rebirth? Why? Reaching Moksha Merging into God, losing yourself in God Being with God, but keeping your individuality Moksha is when you escape from reincarnation – Moksha means “freedom from rebirth”. You have so much good karma that this time when you die, you go to heaven.

3 Reaching Moksha To describe 4 ways to reach moksha To reflect on what it takes to achieve moksha Using the picture clues below, explain 4 paths you could follow to become closer to God, and reach Moksha. Path of knowledge Path of devotion Path of good works Path of meditation

4 There are 4 paths to win Moksha Path of knowledge Path of devotion Path of good works 1.Write the title for your “Path”. 2.Explain what this path is about. 3.Give 3 examples of what you must do on this path. 4.Give it a difficulty rating (stars out of 5) 5* means “very difficult” 5.Explain why you gave that difficulty rating. **Which of the 4 paths would you go with ? Why ? Illustrate your paths: draw a path in the margin and add these 4 ways onto it. Path of meditation

5 Which path are these ratings talking about? Do you agree ? 1. Difficulty Rating **** All these things take a lot of self-control, patience, faith and determination. It could take weeks, months, years to acquire. This path isn’t for everyone ! 2. Difficulty Rating ** The sky is the limit ! No-one said “enough” to loving. But love can be shown in small and ordinary ways, so this path is for everybody. You could get discouraged, so it does take some determination, especially if other ways of spending your time start looking more important! 3. Difficulty Rating ***** Taking control of your mind is a difficult thing. It means hours sitting in meditation, and then living a pure life. However, the rewards are great. If you like to know what is going on in your own mind, then this might be for you. 4. Difficulty Rating ** This way is for people who are not good at meditating, learning or thinking deeply and who don’t have too much time to spend in prayer. No action is too small or too big to count. Every day you will find many opportunities to practice this path. You have to keep at it and doing a good action might mean going out of your way. Q: Which of the 4 paths would you go with ? Why ?

6 With your group of 4, decide which path you would follow as a group. Be ready to present – What you will have to do on it – Why you think you can do it – Why you chose it

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